Sam & Max Save The World (Switch): Software updates (latest: Ver. 1.0.9)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various Software updates for Sam & Max Save The World on Nintendo Switch (originally released on December 2nd 2022 in North America and Europe)!
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Sam & Max Save The World – Ver. 1.0.9
- Release date: December 6th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
All Episodes:
- Updated the music that plays when Sam and Max drive away in the DeSoto. Yes, now it’s played by live musicians! Why not. Also fixed are some instances where the DeSoto music was getting cut off at the end of scenes. It now concludes over the load screen as needed.
- Fixed bug preventing the inventory from being disabled when the game is paused. You can no longer browse the pause menu and Sam’s inventory at the same time, which we think is for the best.
- Disabled saving the game when in the middle of entering a scene. At the lightest this was causing a few doors to stick open, and a the worst was causing the game to get very, very confused when it loaded back up thinking it was half way between two scenes.
- Fixed bugs around pausing or mashing the menu button immediately upon entering a scene.
- Fixed all in-game mouse cursors being too dark.
- Fixed instances of Sam being stuck running if the run key was held when the game window loses focus. Also fixed instances of Sam’s move animation going to slow motion when scraping against the edge of a scene with his gun drawn.
- Removed trailing spaces before line breaks in UI elements. This is a tiny fix but if you noticed it and couldn’t sleep once you saw it, you can now finally relax.
Episode 1:
- Fixed camera pops when listing symptoms of artificial personality disorder in Sybil’s and Asylum Exterior. Also fixed the size of the selection box for the symptoms form, and cleaned up the position Sam paths to to read it (so there’s less of a pop).
- Added long-missing “signed” version of the symptoms form inventory icon, so when it returns to your inventory signed, you can see Sybil’s signature on it. This texture was made for the original game but never used! (We had to remake it for the remaster because the original was too low res, but now its spirit lives on in the game for the first time.)
- Added new textures for when when Sybil marks & signs the symptoms form, and added close-up shots of form. This is probably the last update the Artificial Personality Disorder symptoms form will ever receive in its 15 year lifespan, but never say never.
- Fixed a camera pop and added a fade out when transitioning from Sybil’s to the psychoanalysis office in Sam’s dream.
- Fixed blown out dartboard and associated objects in psychoanalysis office.
Episode 2:
- Gamepad UI hotspots (the little yellow circles) no longer also show up on the TV studio monitors.
- Adjusted the timing of when the Midtown Cowboys video clip goes into your inventory, so it happens after the Director has handed it to you, instead of before.
- Fixed Hugh Bliss’ music stopping when you ask him for a photo the first time.
- Fixed Hugh Bliss’ photo going into your inventory while still in a conversation with him.
Episode 3:
- Fixed instances where the DeSoto’s idle sounds were sometimes not playing or not stopping correctly when driving up to the casino.
- Fixed anti-delivery camera sometimes pointing in the wrong direction when Sam puts the magnet on it.
Episode 5:
- Fixed DeSoto VR exit music getting cut off. Unlike the normal DeSoto scene exit music, this version is still performed by a computer.
Episode 6:
- Fixed street parking meters not staying bent/straight.
- Fixed camera pop when flinging Jimmy off parking meter.
- Fixed Sam teleporting and camera pop after selling deed to Sybil.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Skunkape Games
Sam & Max Save The World – Ver. 1.0.8
- Release date: August 10th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
All Episodes:
- Switch: Increased music mix volume to match PC. Thanks everyone who reported mysteriously quiet music on Switch!
- Switch: Fixed a bug preventing double-tapping the touchscreen from making Sam run.
- Switch: Fixed bad model deformation on Specs’ mouth corners. (PC fixed in 1.0.6.)
- PC: The game’s window position now remembers its previous location and restores to that position on startup.
- Disabled the pause menu while a dialog box is active. Sorry, it’s true, you can no longer pause the game in a panic when it’s in the middle of warning you about something.
- Fixed a bug causing Sam’s gun to appear stuck to his hand in some situations when loading from a game saved in shooting mode.
- Fixed “Art Director” text running off screen during opening credits in French, Hungarian & Polish.
- Fixed small hole in the world visible when driving on sidewalk.
- Fixed a dark/unlit patch of lighting outside Bosco’s.
- Fixed some little jaggies and shadow ghosting in the Sam & Max logo on the menu. Crucial fix!
Episode 1:
- Fixed symptoms form being upside down when Sybil writes on it at her desk.
- Fixed unpleasant shadow under schematic when giving it to Bosco.
- Fixed Sam pathing to a strange point when clicking on Sybil.
- Fixed Whizzer’s hand clipping through his shorts at the end of the Soda Poppers song.
Episode 1:
- Fixed instances of the spice shaker floating in air after skipping lines in Cooking Without Looking.
- Fixed instances of trivia cards floating in air after skipping lines in Who’s Never Going To Be A Millionaire.
- Fixed Myra’s audience boos that were originally ooohs. Thanks again to folks who pointed this out!
- Fixed instances where Myra’s microphone & grabber could float in the air after skipping lines.
- Fixed Sam’s tie clipping into his chest during sitcom.
Episode 1:
- Switch: Improved lighting when Ted E. Bear steps out of shadows during initiation. (PC fixed in 1.0.6.)
- Fixed street background art was misaligned in the final cutscene of the Mafia Chase.
- Fixed hitch when shooting Sybil’s coffee cup.
- Fixed instances where Sam’s aim would look like its off if players saved and loaded during Wak Da Ratz.
Episode 1:
- Fixed hole in the world visible when Sam & Max talk about Shaft.
- Fixed small animation pop when using the bug on Lincoln.
- Fixed small animation pop when talking to the president.
- Fixed camera pop when using nutcracker.
- Fixed Sam popping back into place after using nutcracker.
- Fixed Sam popping back into place after interpreting for the president.
- Fixed Sam walking through Superball in Oval Office after winning election. Sorry, Superball.
- Fixed Sam popping back into place after talking to Hugh Bliss.
- Fixed Max’s foot clipping into White House awning pole when entering from Oval Office.
Episode 1:
- Fixed typo in Text Adventure (changed “seem” to “seen”).
- Fixed the episode title being stuck on screen if players skip lines during the opening credits.
- Fixed issues where Sam’s virtual gun could disappear in the Reality 2.0 Street.
Episode 1:
- Fixed hitch in opening credits.
- Fixed instances where the screen gets stuck on black if skipping dialog during the game’s opening.
- Fixed Max pop after riding the elevator down in the Blister of Tranquility
- Fixed instances where Sam could warp back to the entrance after riding the elevator or the roller coaster in Blister of Tranqility.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Skunkape Games
Sam & Max Save The World – Ver. 1.0.6
- Release date: August 10th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed unintentionally backing out of dialogs and close-up views, when skipping lines with a right click
- Fixed Sam sometimes walking to the cursor when using a controller
- Fixed Sybil’s tattoo chair being selectable when it’s off camera
- Fixed Sam’s walk animation restarting when choosing a new destination while pathing (6184)
- Fixed Sam jittering between walk & run animations when mashing left mouse button (6184)
- Fixed bad model deformation on Specs’ mouth corners
- Fixed a few typos in subtitles with Sam, Myra, and using the antenna object (thanks for letting us know!)
- Disabled saving during opening credits, because save games created during the credits made the game do bad things (who saves during the credits?!)
- DLC launcher now supports high DPI displays
Episode 1:
- Fixed the Soda Poppers chase music not stopping when the end cutscene plays, and added a record scratch sound effect when the music stops because it felt right.
- Fixed street graffiti glowing at night on Switch and some PC graphics modes
Episode 2:
- Fixed Myra being selectable with gamepads even when she’s behind the talk show door
Episode 3:
- Improved lighting when Ted E. Bear steps out of shadows during initiation
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Skunkape Games
Sam & Max Save The World – Ver. 1.0.4
- Release date: February 10th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed Max behavior sometimes running during cutscenes. We thought this was fixed in the previous patch, but it turns out it was two separate bugs. Max is hard to pin down!
- Fixed Max sometimes staying attached to Sam after they collide with each other
- Fixed the back wall of Sam & Max’s office being hidden in some cutscenes
- Fixed a bug causing characters to occasionally blink into their walk forward animations when they’re just changing position in a cinematic sequence
- Fixed Bosco’s bathroom terror level lights not changing and sounds not playing in later episodes
- Fixed Bluster Blaster duct tape material in later episodes
- Disabled save game button during closing credits
- Switch only: Fixed text alignment issue on subtitle and tutorial backgrounds
Episode 1:
- Fixed driving “pull over” sequence sometimes running when no vehicle is being tailed
- Fixed French translation of Brady “organ” joke
Episode 2:
- Fixed Peepers’ cue cards floating in mid air after he sings for the first time
- Disabled Specs dialog choices about Whizzer’s birthday after Whizzer is gone
Episode 3:
- Fixed Leonard pop when using an item on him after you’ve beaten him at poker
- Fixed Leonard’s arms clipping into table when talking to him after you’ve beaten him at poker
Episode 4:
- Restored camera cuts and acting in street newspaper chores
- Restored original Max timing in store “watching and judging” chore
- Fixed incorrect texture when firing missile at Bosco’s
- Fixed DeSoto logo and missing flags on TVs in the War Room
Episode 5:
- Fixed Max clipping with the desk when entering the VR Office
- Disabled line skipping during COPS song
- Fixed Bank VR lock disappearing when it was still there
- Fixed Sam awkwardly sliding off screen when trying to talk to Sybil while she’s wearing googles
Episode 6:
- Fixed Bug voice line in Moon Retreat. Sometimes you fix a Bug bug.
- Removed water cooler from office and added water stain, since Mr. Spatula is on the moon now
- Fixed shadow lingering on camera once DeSoto is off screen when exiting street
- Fixed TV camera light blinking after taping has ended in opening cutscene to match original animation
- Fixed satellite disappearing from view when interacting with it
- Fixed Sam standing up on wheel or in saw box when using gastrokinesis or spoon bend items on him
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Skunkape Games
Sam & Max Save The World – Ver. 1.0.3
- Release date: January 13th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
- Updated subtitle colors to be more readable, and added option to draw a background behind subtitles (in Gameplay Settings)
- Added option to disable v-sync (in Graphics Settings)
- Replaced repeated Max voice lines in episodes 2-6 with William Kasten instead of Andrew Chaikin, and updated lip sync animations
- Fixed points where scene music was not resuming after cutscenes
- Fixed mouseover pop-up text splitting in the middle of a word
- Fixed a small seam in Max’s belly visible on 4K monitors
- Fixed a foreground car clipping through the camera when looking at the One Way sign on the street in episodes 2 and 3
- Fixed inconsistencies with lettering on the awning outside Sybil’s
- Fixed missing license plate textures on background vehicles (“DRG DLR” rejoins “RMS DLR” and “CON MAN”) and updated the license plates to match style of the DeSoto’s license plate
- Fixed Czech translation of “Presents”
Menu Text:
- Fixed Russian translations of “Soda Poppers,” “Myra Stump,” and “Ted E. Bear”
- Fixed Czech translation of “Resume”
Episode 1
- Fixed Jimmy Two-Teeth interrogation music sometimes failing to play when switching between Sam and Max
- Fixed the theater interior background being misaligned when watching Brady Culture on TV
- Fixed cheese floating next to table at Bosco’s
- Fixed Czech translation of “separate your bliss”
- Fixed Sam appearing inside the DeSoto hood when arriving at the asylum without Max
- Fixed blown out lampshade during Soda Poppers TV scenes
- Replaced a few Bosco lines with new reads and updated animation and lip sync to match
Episode 2
- Fixed instance where Sybil’s tattoo chair could be selected even when it’s off camera
- Fixed Sam sliding and clipping through door when entering Sybil’s
- Fixed Hypnobear’s head turn animation when hypnotizing Myra
- Fixed Who’s Never Going to be a Millionaire music loop
- Fixed Russian translation of “Situation: Comedy”
Episode 3
- Fixed Casino music not playing when visiting the casino for the first time
- Fixed instances of Sam and Max calling Bosco by the wrong name
- Fixed missing ketchup texture on Sybil and intercom
Episode 4
- Fixed instance where the timing of some camera cuts slipped from original in the War Song
- Fixed War Room console texture animations
- Fixed Sybil’s storefront graffiti and increased graffiti texture resolution
- Fixed Chuckles briefly popping back in after he drags Whizzer out of the Oval Office
- Disabled dialog skipping during War Song
Episode 5
- Fixed Sybil’s pencil being visible while she’s wearing the VR goggles
- Fixed Italian translation of “Uncook” button
- Trimmed Russian text that was too long in text adventure dialog choices
Episode 6
- Fixed retreat music still playing during laser room cutscene
- Fixed Sam standing up during finale when examining an inventory item
- Fixed street not scrolling during end credits
- Fixed Max teleporting after using gastrokinesis on Leonard
- Fixed Director’s gun missing in closing credits
- Fixed Sam picking up an invisible Deed
- Fixed the Lunar Lander leg turning invisible at an inopportune moment
- Disabled skipping dialog during the closing credits
- Re-added some of the conversation with Bosco talking about his “mom” disguise (since this is a change to game logic, the new line won’t show up in a save game where you’ve already asked Bosco about his mother; in that case you’ll need to start the episode over)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Skunkape Games
How to download updates for Sam & Max Save The World for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Sam & Max Save The World, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.