PokéNews (May 21): Pokémon Quest / Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Today’s Pokémon news: Pokémon Quest getting PvP mode, but also…
- Pokémon Detective Pikachu
- Shiny Tapu Fini distribution (Japan)
- Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Pokémon Quest
As announced previously, Pokémon Quest is coming to China later this year, on mobile platforms. Today, it was announced that the game is getting a beta period, this Summer.
Also, Pokémon Quest is getting a brand new PvP mode. Right now, it’s not clear whether this mode is exclusive to China and/or the mobile version of the game.
Source: Serebii
Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Here’s pictures of two Pokémon Detective Pikachu plushies now available at the Nintendo NY Store, for $24.99 and $49.99:
Source: Nintendo NY (Twitter)
Shiny Tapu Fini distribution (Japan)
Heads up for those of you who participated in the Pokémon Japan Championships 2019 Online Competition: the participation prize, a Shiny Tapu Fini, is now available! To claim your Serial Code, you first need to log-in to the Pokémon Global Link, and then click on this link. After that, you will have until June 28th to redeem the Serial Code via the Mystery Gift option in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Here’s details about the Shiny Tapu Fini distributed:
- Level: 60
- Moves: Nature’s Madness, Muddy Water, Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump
- Hold Item: Misty Seed
Don’t worry if you only have a European or North American copy of the game: there will be a distribution of that Pokémon via the latest Battle Competition, which is currently accepting registrations!
As usual, you can find more details about the various Pokémon distributions for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on this page!
Source: Serebii
Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!
Here’s the preview for the next episode of Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?!, airing this Sunday in Japan: