
Pokémon news (August 10): Pokémon GO campaign in Japan / Pokémon distribution

Today’s Pokémon news: a special campaign for Pokémon GO in four prefectures in Japan, but also…

  • Pokémon distribution @ gamescom 2016

Pokémon GO

Japan is frequently hit by earthquakes, and some of them have had a major impact (with some regions/areas being almost completely devastated). Since the Tohouku Earthquake in March 2011, there has been various operations to help with reconstruction, provide relief to the population of those areas, and more. The Pokémon With You campaign is one of those.

And it looks like Pokémon is going to be at the center of another campaign, this time via Pokémon GO. Today, during a press conference, it was announced that the prefectures of Iwate, Miyage, Fukushima, and Kumamoto (which were hit the hardest by earthquakes in the past few years) would collaborate with Niantic and Pokémon GO to promote tourism.

The whole project seems to have three main goals:

  • to promote tourism and cultural exchange, via PokéStops and gyms added at key spots (such as sightseeing spots for example)
  • to draw up route maps between these PokéStops and gyms;
  • to launch an event, in order to tie together the four prefectures.

This collaboration will debut this Fall, though the starting date will not be the same for all four prefectures.

Source: ANN

Pokémon distribution @ gamescom 2016

Good news for Pokémon fans going to gamescom next week: besides Shigeki Morimoto making an appearance, there will also be a Pokémon distribution on Nintendo’s booth! To be more precise, it’s the Shiny Xerneas and Shiny Yveltal that will be disitributed, via the usual serial codes.

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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