Pokémon news (April 20) – Trademarks / Pokémon Symphony / Pokémon TV
Today’s Pokémon news:
- Trademarks
- Pokémon Symphony
- Pokémon TV
- Camp Pokémon
- Pokkén Tournament
- Origins Game Fair
Today, it was discovered Yusue Inui (an IP lawyer in Japan) had registered two intriguing trademarks: Solgaleo (ソルガレオ) and Lunaala (ルナアーラ). Many fans seems to believe this is the name of the two legendaries in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, but right now, we have no way to know if that’s the case or not.
The vast majority of trademarks related to Pokémon are registered by Nintendo / Game Freak / Creatures Inc. (including those not related to games), but this isn’t the case for those. It’s possible a proxy was used (which was done several times in the past), in order to avoid drawing attention to those before the announcement of the game (the trademarks were registered in February).
Via: Serebii
Pokémon Symphony
Yesterday, it was announced that there would be two Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions dates in Paris, in October. To be more precise, it will be in Paris (at the Grand Rex), on:
- October 8th at 8PM
- October 9th, at 2PM
Via: Serebii
Head after the break for the rest of this post!
Pokémon TV
Today, the various Pokémon TV app got a massive update, including some new major features:
- My Channel: When fans start watching a video, it is automatically saved to their channel, making it easy to resume viewing. Recently completed videos will also stay in their channel, and another episode will play automatically at the conclusion of the previous one.
- Downloadable Content: Fans without network access can still enjoy their favourite Pokémon content. With the updated app, viewers can mark one episode or movie for offline viewing at their convenience. The video will be stored on their device for one week before it is automatically removed.
- Rate Videos: With this fun feature, Pokémon fans can rate each video after they’ve finished watching it. Their score will then contribute to an average rating for that video.
- Push Notifications: Viewers can now find out when new movies and episodes have been added to the Pokémon TV app with convenient push notifications.
Right now, the second Pokémon movie is available on Pokémon TV, just like the first episodes of Pokémon XY&Z (in the United States only).
Source: The Pokémon Company
Here’s a trailer for Pokémon XY&Z on Pokémon TV:
Camp Pokémon
If you have Camp Pokémon on iOS, a new update is available: it brings the app to Ver. 1.2, with several bug fixes.
Source: Serebii
Pokkén Tournament
Today, two more events for the Pokkén Tournament Champion Series were announced:
- Pokémon Regional Championships (Seattle, May 15th): Masters Minor
- St. Louis Showdown (at the Gateway Center in Collinsville, Illinois, on June 18th to June 19th)
Source: Serebii / The Pokémon Company
Origins Game Fair
The Origins Game Fair will take place from June 15th to June 19th in Ohio. Pokémon will be there with:
- six video game tournaments
- seven TCG tournaments
- a competition with a trip to San Francisco to win (for the weekend of the Pokémon World Championships). 30 or more players participate, and naturally, this will not qualify you for the Pokémon World Championships themselves.
Some of them will even allow you to earn Championships Points (which can be used to quality for the Pokémon World Championships).