
Pokémon GO: Johto Pokémon start appearing… in eggs, Christmas Pikachu

A few days ago, we learned that new Pokémon would soon be added to Pokémon GO. Niantic revealed that a proper announcement would come on December 12th, and that announcement is finally there! And as many fans speculated, it’s indeed Pokémon from the Johto region that have begun to appear… inside eggs.

If you were expecting to suddenly find over dozens of new Pokémon in the wild, you’re going to be quite disappointed. Indeed, the new Pokémon will only appear in eggs, and what’s more, it’s only a select few such as Togepi, Pichu, and more. It’s not clear how many can already be hatched from eggs, or often Niantic will add new Pokémon (or when they will be found in the wild). The only thing we know is that more will be added “over the next few months”.

Here’s a trailer introducing the Johto Pokémon:

But wait, there’s more! It was extremely likely Niantic would come up with a special event for Christmas, and one is indeed going live today. Unfortunately, it doesn’t involve Delibird, definitely the most Christmas-y Pokémon.

Instead, players will be able to find a special Christmas Pikachu (wearing a Christmas hat) in the wild. It doesn’t look like there’s anything out of the ordinary about this Pikachu, though (other than his rather festive appearance). This Christmas Pikachu will appear in Pokémon GO until December 29th (10AM PT / 1PM ET / 6PM BT / 7PM CET / December 30th 3AM JST).

Finally, here’s the special loading screen for the holidays:

Source: Niantic


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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