NintendoVideosWii U

NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time #38 (Splatoon special)

On Wednesday, Nintendo uploaded the 38th episode of its webshow aimed at kids: NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time. This one was a Splatoon special!

1Here’s the contents of the three parts of NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time #38:

The Way to the Dr. Squid – Splatoon

During that segment, they explained what the Turf Wars are, and how they work. Nothing really new though, unless you’ve never heard of Splatoon before!

Quizz – Splatoon

1) What’s the real name of the characters in the game?
2) What’s the name of the enemies?
3) What happens if you get that power-up?

Bowser interruption – Splatoon

During that segment, Bowser showcased some of the enemies in Splatoon, and showed how to beat them.

Finally, they showed some Splatoon artwork from the Art Academy Sketchpad community on Miiverse.

Here’s NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time #38:

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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