3DS3DS ThemesNintendo

[North America] Nintendo 3DS Themes of the week (August 6th)

This week, only two Nintendo 3DS Themes will be added to the Theme Shop in North America: one for Aeternoblade (released yesterday) and one for Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition!

Here’s the list of Themes to be added to the Nintendo 3DS Theme Shop in North Ameruca:

Aeternoblade (Corecell): $1.99
Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition (Nintendo): $1.99

The Nintendo 3DS Theme Shop will be updated at 9AM PDT / 12PM EDT!

2000px-Nintendo_3DS_(logo).svgSource: Nintendo PR


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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