Nintendo news (November 8): Fire Emblem / The Stretchers
Today’s Nintendo news: latest Fire Emblem news, but also…
- The Stretchers
- Luigi’s Mansion 3
- Kirby Café Tokyo
- Nintendo Tokyo (Splatoon)
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Here’s some pictures for the latest Software update for Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Ver. 1.1.0), which was released today:
Also, it has been announced that a figma figure of Edelgard will be released in July 2020 (price: 8 000 Yen). Here’s some pictures:
Fire Emblem Expo II
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced that a second Fire Emblem Expo event, logically called Fire Emblem Expo II, will be held in Japan. Details about it will be unveiled on November 22nd at 1AM PT / 4AM ET / 10AM GMT / 11AM CET / 6PM JST.
Source: Nintendo
The Stretchers
Today, Nintendo stealth-released a new game on Nintendo Switch (via the Nintendo Switch): The Stretchers. It was developed by Tarsier Studios, creators of Little Nightmares.
Here’s a trailer and some screenshots:
The Stretchers (Switch – eShop) should be released later today in Europe.
Source: Nintendo
Luigi’s Mansion 3
Nintendo have shared the latest entry in the Professor E. Gadd’s Research Journal, XXX-007 Gooigi’s Completio. Click here to check it out!
Kirby Café Tokyo
Ever since the first Kirby Café opened, it has enjoyed great popularity. So popular, in fact, that it has been announced that a new one will open on December 12th in Tokyo. Unlike the previous ones, Kirby Café Tokyo will not close after a set amount of weeks: it will remain open permanently. One thing will not change though: you will need to have a reservation in order to eat there, and they are set to open on November 22nd.
Here’s some pictures:
Source: 4Gamer
Nintendo Tokyo (Splatoon)
Nintendo have revealed some more merchandise to be sold at the Nintendo Tokyo Store, this time focusing on Splatoon merchandise:
The Nintendo Tokyo Store opens on November 22nd in Japan.
Source: Nintendo (Twitter)