
Nintendo news (Aug. 9): Super Smash Bros. Ultimate / Daemon X Machina

Today’s Nintendo news: even more screenshots for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but also…

  • Daemon X Machina
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
  • WarioWare Gold
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • Animal Crossing
  • Kirby Star Allies
  • Nintendo Labo
  • Ask Izzy

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Today, Nintendo shared even more screenshots for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, showcasing the new fighters revealed yesterday (among other things):

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch) comes out on December 7th worldwide.

Source: Nintendo / Nintendo (Twitter) / Nintendo (Twitter)

Daemon X Machina

Yesterday, Nintendo shared a video interview with Kenichiro Tsukuda, Producer of Daemon X Machina:

Daemon X Machina (Switch) comes out next year worldwide.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Here’s the Accolades Trailer for Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker:

WarioWare Gold

Here’s the Accolades Trailer for WarioWare Gold:

Super Mario Odyssey

Here’s the latest piece of Hint Art for Super Mario Odyssey:

Source: Nintendo (Twitter)

Animal Crossing

To celebrate Summer, Nintendo shared a neat smartphone wallpaper for fans of the Animal Crossing series:

Source: Nintendo (Twitter)

Kirby Star Allies

Here’s a video showing the developers of Kirby Star Allies drawing an illustration to celebrate the release of the second free update for the game!

Nintendo Labo

Here’s the latest video for the Nintendo Labo UK YouTube Channel:

Ask Izzy

Here’s the latest Ask Izzy video:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.