eShopNindiesNintendoWii U

Ninja Pizza Girl: update on the Wii U version, almost ready for lotcheck

Today, the developers of Ninja Pizza Girl posted another Kickstarter update, and gave some details about the Wii U version of the game. They explained that right now, they have a functional Wii U build: in fact… it’s almost done!

They still need about two more days of work before it’s ready to be sent to Nintendo for lotcheck, and they hope to do so on Sunday. After that, the release date will be announced when the game has passed lotcheck. The developers will share updates as the process go along, so that players know what’s happening!

The Wii U version can be played with the following controllers:

  • Wii U GamePad
  • Wii U Pro Controller
  • Wii Remote

Click here to check out the latest Kickstarter update for Ninja Pizza Girl!

Ninja Pizza Girl (Wii U, eShop) comes out later this year on Wii U.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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