Nikkei: Wii U production to stop this year, Nintendo “denies”
In the past, Nikkei (one of the most famous press outlets in Japan) have reported on various rumours concerning Nintendo consoles and games. And yesterday, they did it again with the Wii U, and reported that Nintendo would stop its production before the end of the current fiscal year.
According to them, Nintendo already stopped production of some accessories, and the company plans to deplete inventory this year. However, that does not necessarily means the NX platform will launch this year, even though Nikkei does not rule that out. It would certain fit with some of the rumours that have been floating around in the past couple of months.
Naturally, Nintendo didn’t wait long before “denying” Nikkei’s claim, explaining that they had made no formal announcement yet… which is definitely a strange way to phrase it. Then again, Nintendo’s answer isn’t all that surprising: they have pretty much denied every rumour/claim from Nikkei in the past.
Source: Nikkei / Nlab
Via: Serkan Toto