
MP: Federation Force / Blast Ball – More footage, details, download size, screens, more

Following yesterday’s stealth launch in Europe and North America, Metroid Prime: Blast Ball is now available for download in Japan. Nintendo used this opportunity to update the official website and the gamepages for Metroid Prime: Federation and Metroid Prime: Blast Ball. Therefore, we now have more details, screenshots, and footage for both games, but also some more screenshots, artworks, and more from Nintendo of Europe!

Metroid Prime: Federation Force


First, let’s start right away with the gameplay clips for Metroid Prime: Federation Force, from the official website (there’s also a bit for Metroid Prime: Blast Ball at the end.

Technical details

Here’s some technical details from the official gamepage:

  • Download size: 9 781 blocks / 1 222.6MB
  • Genre: First Person Adventure
  • Players: 1 to 4 (co-op), from 2 to 6 (3 vs 3, Metroid Prime: Blast Ball)
  • Save data files: 3
  • Save data file size: 128kb
  • New Nintendo 3DS enhancements: you can use the C-stick
  • Accessories: compatible with the Circle Pad Pro
  • Internet features: online co-op (from 2 to 4 players), Metroid Prime: Blast Ball (up to 6 players, 3 vs 3), exchange of Ranking data
  • Local multiplayer: co-op (from 2 to 4 players), Metroid Prime: Blast Ball (up to 6 players, 3 vs 3), exchange of Ranking data
  • Download Play: only compatible with Metroid Prime: Blast Ball (up to 6 players, 3 vs 3)

Screenshots, artworks, final EU boxart

Here’s some more screenshots for the game:

Here’s two additional screenshots from Nintendo’s Topics blog:

And here’s the final EU boxart, along with plenty of artworks:


Here’s various screencaps from the official website (Japan):

Metroid Prime: Federation Force (3DS) comes out on August 19th in North America, August 25th in Japan, and September 2nd in Europe.

Metroid Prime: Blast Ball

Here’s some “technical” details about Metroid Prime: Blast Ball:

  • Download size (Japan): 1 507 blocks / 188MB
  • Genre: Sports
  • Players: from 1 to 6 (3 vs 3)
  • Save data: 1 file
  • Save data size: 128kb
  • New Nintendo 3DS enhancements: you can use the C-stick
  • Accessories: compatible with the Circle Pad Pro
  • Internet features: online multiplayer (up to 6 players), online leaderboards
  • Local Multiplayer: matches with up to 6 players (3 vs 3), exchange of ranking data, compatible with Download Play

Official website

On the official website, Nintendo explains that the free version of Metroid Prime: Blast Ball will be playable online until September 30th in Japan. After that date, you will have to buy Metroid Prime: Federation Force to keep playing.

The good news is that you can transfer your save data from Metroid Prime: Blast Ball to Metroid Prime: Federation Force and keep playing there without losing anything (like paint jobs, achievements, etc.).


Here’s some screenshots from the official gamepage:

And here’s some screenshots from Nintendo’s Topics blog:

As a bonus, some extra screenshots from 4Gamer.net:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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