Monster Hunter Generations: livestream recording + Monster Hunter manga
Monster Hunter Generations is the English title of Monster Hunter X, which came out in November last year. Ever since its announcement for the West, during the Nintendo Direct on March 3rd, the game has been showcased two times by Capcom Europe on Twitch. You can find the recording of the first livestream in this post!
The second livestream took place last week, and featured the Prowler mode (known as Nyanter mode in the Japanese version). It allows players to go hunt as Felynes instead of regular hunters. But more importantly, this livestream showcased a monster called Hololo Holulu in Japanese. His English name will be Malfestio!
Here’s the livestream recording:
Talking of Monster Hunter, the Monster Hunter: Flash Hunter manga (by Keiichi Hikami, and Shin Yamamoto) is finally releasing in English next month (the first volume came out in French back in 2013).
Here’s the official synopsis:
Hunting giant man-eating beasts is no job for the weak-hearted, but along with courage, it takes skill and experience to be a good Hunter. It also takes good teamwork. Raiga and his comrades are experts now, but when they started down the path of the Monster Hunter, they lacked these qualities. When they head off to confront the dragon-like Queropeco, they quickly learn that this flaw could cost them dearly…
And here’s the cover:
If you’re interested, you can pre-order it from Amazon: France (French version here) / UK / US / Canada / Germany / Spain
Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) comes out this Summer in Europe and North America.