
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: last localisation blog post + videos

During the past few weeks, Andrew Alfonso (Localisation Director) posted quite a few blog posts over at Capcom-Unity. He talked about a very important aspect of video games: localisation. Releasing a game like Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate in the West is no small feat (especially with the high amount of text to be translated), as even the names of monsters is something that can take quite a lot of time.

Unfortunately, his blog posts series about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is now over, as the last one was published yesterday. You can find it there! In this post, Andrew Alfonso talks about the change made to the spelling of one of the returning towns’ name, the Charge Blade’s name, the translation of the various weapons names for the Magala Class, as well as the name of various monsters (Oroshi Kirin, Molten Tigrex and Raging Brachydios). Finally, there’s a message from the development team, namely: Natsuki Shiowaza (Producer),  Kaname Fujioka (Director), Yuya Tokuda (Lead Designer), Shino Okamura (Scenario Writer) and Andrew Alfonso himself.

After the break, you’ll find  the US launch trailer for the game, uploaded yesterday by Nintendo of America (better later than never!).

And finally, here’s a new video from Nintendo UK (which has been pushing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate a lot on their YouTube channel over the past few weeks!):

Source: Capcom-Unity


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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