MobileNintendoSoftware updates

Miitomo: new update available on iOS and Android (Ver. 1.4.1)

Update: the new update is now available on Android!


Usually, when Nintendo pushes a new major update for Miitomo, both versions (Android and iOS) get it at the same time. But for minor update, things are a bit different, as usually, only one version get the update. And that’s exactly the case with today’s minor update, which is only available on iOS devices.

This new minor update brings Miitomo to Ver. 1.4.1 on iOS, but doesn’t come with any major changes… in fact, the patchnotes are exactly the same as those for Ver. 1.4.0. We can assume Nintendo simply fixed a few minor issues, and didn’t really deem it necessary to give any more details… as usual!

To download this update, you simply need to tap on the notification that should appear on your device. Alternatively, you can simply go to Play Store (Android) the AppStore (iOS), and select the update from the list. You will need 10.69MB of free space on your Android device, and 74.6MB of free space on your iOS device.

To check that you have the latest version of Miitomo installed, simply launch the game: you should see Ver. 1.4.1 at the bottom right corner of the screen (alternatively, you can see that in the “Other” section of the Miitomo Menu).

Source: Miitomo
Thanks Joe Merrick for the heads up and the screencap.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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