Media Create sales for Week 5, 2016 (Feb. 01 – 07) [Top 50]
Update: we just added the full Top 50 to this post!
During Week 5, no game came out on Nintendo platforms in Japan, and it was a much quieter week overall. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash had a surprisingly good second week, with 17 856 units sold (-68%). It looks like bad word of mouth isn’t impacting its sales yet, which is unexpected. The game has already sold more in Japan in two weeks than in North America in a whole month (December). At this rate, it should have no trouble reaching 100 000 units sold.
This week, sales are down for pretty much all games, but as usual, some are holding (much) better than others. That’s the case of Monster Hunter X, who is still selling over 10 000 units per week despite a -21% drop in Week 5 (compared to Week 4). As for Splatoon, it’s back in the Top with 11 816 units sold (-11%). The popularity of that third-person shooter is certainly not going to fade any time soon!
The same could be said about Yo-kai Watch Busters, which is also making its comeback in the Top 10 with 10 171 units sold (-9%). Monster Strike isn’t holding quite as well, but it actually went up during Week 5 due to slow Software sales. It sold 7 891 units this week, and 787 645 in total (which means retailers still have a lot of copies left, despite some of them already slashing prices).
As for Hyrule Warriors Legends, it’s still holding pretty well: it sold 6 685 additional units during Week 5, and over 76 000 units since launch. At this rate, it will have no trouble selling over 100 000 units, but it’s going to take a few weeks. As for Super Mario Maker, it also went up in the chart this week, despite sales dropping by 22%.
Finally, Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life 2 is making its comeback in the Top 20, with 3 659. Sales of that game are still quite steady, despite the end of the holiday period several weeks ago. Of course, the relatively slow sales for the market as a whole is the only reason the game made a comeback this week.
Hardware-wise, there’s nothing special to note regarding the Nintendo 3DS. Without any releases at all, sales dropped during Week 5, and went from 31 427 units to 27 544 units. That’s less than last year during the same week (35 292 in 2015), but as we’ve already explained several times in the past, it’s nothing surprising.
But when it comes to the Wii U, things are quite more interesting. Sales have been dropping steadily in the past few weeks, but during Week 5, the drop was worse: the console went from 8 931 units sold to only 3 939 units sold. As mentioned yesterday, several retailers throughout Japan are experiencing Wii U shortages, and brand new consoles have become hard to find in many stores.
Unfortunately, it’s not clear how widespread those shortages are, but Week 5 sales indicate that it’s not just a couple of big retailers which are impacted. Nintendo hasn’t made any announcement, so we don’t know the exact cause of those shortages, and how long they will last. It does look like it will take a couple of days/weeks for retailers to get new shipments, so sales are bound to drop even more in the upcoming weeks.
01./00. [PS4] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 <FTG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2016.02.04} (¥7.600) – 64.446 / NEW
02./01. [PSV] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo # <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥5.980) – 46.391 / 224.407 (-74%)
03./02. [PS4] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥7.800) – 32.784 / 174.153 (-77%)
04./04. [PS3] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥6.800) – 19.151 / 72.305 (-64%)
05./03. [WIU] Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash <SPT> (Nintendo) {2016.01.28} (¥4.700) – 17.856 / 73.187 (-68%)
06./09. [3DS] Monster Hunter X # <ACT> (Capcom) {2015.11.28} (¥5.800) – 13.391 / 2.674.914 (-21%)
07./13. [WIU] Splatoon # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.05.28} (¥5.700) – 11.816 / 1.240.225 (-11%)
08./15. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad <ACT> (Level 5) {2015.07.11} (¥4.600) – 10.171 / 2.193.737 (-9%)
09./16. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.03.19} (¥2.400) – 8.926 / 651.150 (-17%)
10./06. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami <ADV> (Sega) {2016.01.21} (¥6.490) – 8.046 / 131.562 (-60%)
11./17. [3DS] Monster Strike <RPG> (Mixi) {2015.12.17} (¥4.500) – 7.891 / 787.645 (-23%)
12./08. [PS3] Yakuza: Kiwami <ADV> (Sega) {2016.01.21} (¥6.490) – 7.243 / 85.262 (-59%)
13./12. [3DS] Hyrule Warriors Legends # <ACT> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.21} (¥5.800) – 6.685 / 76.338 (-56%)
14./19. [WIU] Super Mario Maker # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.09.10} (¥5.700) – 6.134 / 790.345 (-22%)
15./18. [PS4] Just Cause 3 <ACT> (Square Enix) {2016.01.21} (¥7.800) – 4.414 / 47.002 (-51%)
16./00. [PSV] Sangoku Koi Senki: Omoide Gaeshi – CS Edition <ADV> (Prototype) {2016.02.04} (¥5.300) – 4.359 / NEW
17./07. [PS4] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 # <SLG> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.28} (¥8.800) – 3.950 / 24.051 (-80%)
18./24. [PS4] Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege <ACT> (Ubisoft) {2015.12.10} (¥8.400) – 3.868 / 68.593
19./28. [3DS] Disney Magic World 2 # <ETC> (Bandai Namco Games) {2015.11.05} (¥5.690) – 3.659 / 270.985
20./11. [PS3] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 # <SLG> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.28} (¥8.800) – 3.528 / 18.959 (-77%)
21./27. [PS4] Call of Duty: Black Ops III # <ACT> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.11.06} (¥7.900)
22./26. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.06.11} (¥4.700)
23./25. [PS4] Fallout 4 # <RPG> (Bethesda Softworks) {2015.12.17} (¥7.980)
24./20. [PSV] Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs-Force # <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2015.12.23} (¥6.800)
25./30. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V [1/1][New Price Edition] <ACT> (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2015.10.08} (¥4.990)
26./34. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2015.07.30} (¥4.000)
27./29. [PS4] Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.12.03} (¥2.400)
28./21. [PS4] Resident Evil: Origins Collection <Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster \ Resident Evil HD Remaster> <ADV> (Capcom) {2016.01.21} (¥5.990)
29./23. [PSV] Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir <ACT> (Atlus) {2016.01.14} (¥7.980)
30./22. [PS3] Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster <ADV> (Capcom) {2016.01.21} (¥3.990)
31./37. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U # <FTG> (Nintendo) {2014.12.06} (¥7.200)
32./36. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.571)
33./14. [PSV] Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Festa: Houka Kenran # <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2016.01.28} (¥6.800)
34./33. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 # <RCE> (Nintendo) {2014.05.29} (¥5.700)
35./05. [PSV] Uta no Prince-Sama: Music 3 # <ACT> (Broccoli) {2016.01.28} (¥3.800)
36./42. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2014.11.21} (¥4.571)
37./35. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam <RPG> (Nintendo) {2015.12.03} (¥4.700)
38./39. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS <FTG> (Nintendo) {2014.09.13} (¥5.200)
39./31. [PS4] Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir <ACT> (Atlus) {2016.01.14} (¥7.980)
40./44. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 <RCE> (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.571)
41./45. [WIU] Super Mario 3D World <ACT> (Nintendo) {2013.11.21} (¥5.700)
42./49. [PS4] Winning Eleven 2016 <SPT> (Konami) {2015.10.01} (¥7.600)
43./46. [PS3] Winning Eleven 2016 <SPT> (Konami) {2015.10.01} (¥6.600)
44./00. [3DS] Pro Baseball Famista Returns <SPT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2015.10.08} (¥5.690)
45./00. [PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain # <ADV> (Konami) {2015.09.02} (¥8.400)
46./00. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Don to Katsu no Jikuu Daibouken <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2014.06.26} (¥4.740)
47./47. [PS4] Star Wars: Battlefront # <ACT> (Electronic Arts) {2015.11.19} (¥7.800)
48./00. [WIU] Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem # <RPG> (Nintendo) {2015.12.26} (¥6.700)
49./50. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2011.11.03} (¥4.571)
50./00. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2012.07.28} (¥4.571)
Number of games per platform
3DS – 16
PS4 – 15
PSV – 7
WIU – 7
PS3 – 5
Head after the break for Famitsu sales!
01./00. [PS4] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 <FTG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2016.02.04} (¥7.600) – 55.414 / NEW <60-80%>
02./01. [PSV] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo # <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥5.980) – 46.219 / 222.362 <80-100%> (-74%)
03./02. [PS4] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥7.800) – 32.274 / 170.168 <80-100%> (-77%)
04./03. [WIU] Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash <SPT> (Nintendo) {2016.01.28} (¥4.700) – 23.411 / 83.228 <60-80%> (-61%)
05./04. [PS3] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo <ADV> (Square Enix) {2016.01.28} (¥6.800) – 19.059 / 74.850 <80-100%> (-66%)
06./11. [3DS] Monster Hunter X # <ACT> (Capcom) {2015.11.28} (¥5.800) – 9.587 / 2.739.855 <80-100%> (-34%)
07./14. [WIU] Splatoon # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.05.28} (¥5.700) – 9.429 / 1.206.308 <80-100%> (-15%)
08./15. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad <ACT> (Level 5) {2015.07.11} (¥4.600) – 9.262 / 2.085.477 <80-100%> (-11%)
09./13. [3DS] Monster Strike <RPG> (Mixi) {2015.12.17} (¥4.500) – 8.801 / 900.468 <80-100%> (-28%)
10./07. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami <ADV> (Sega) {2016.01.21} (¥6.490) – 8.040 / 131.205 <80-100%> (-64%)
11./17. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.03.19} (¥2.400) – 7.906 / 584.907 <80-100%> (-19%)
12./09. [3DS] Hyrule Warriors Legends # <ACT> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.21} (¥5.800) – 6.802 / 79.080 <80-100%> (-61%)
13./10. [PS3] Yakuza: Kiwami <ADV> (Sega) {2016.01.21} (¥6.490) – 6.210 / 96.981 <80-100%> (-63%)
14./19. [WIU] Super Mario Maker # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.09.10} (¥5.700) – 5.618 / 811.590 <80-100%> (-29%)
15./06. [PS4] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 # <SLG> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.28} (¥8.800) – 4.309 / 27.047 <60-80%> (-81%)
16./18. [PS4] Just Cause 3 <ACT> (Square Enix) {2016.01.21} (¥7.800) – 4.165 / 47.227 <80-100%> (-57%)
17./08. [PS3] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 # <SLG> (Koei Tecmo) {2016.01.28} (¥8.800) – 3.892 / 22.909 <60-80%> (-80%)
18./05. [PSV] Uta no Prince-Sama: Music 3 # <ACT> (Broccoli) {2016.01.28} (¥3.800) – 3.704 / 36.683 <80-100%> (-89%)
19./00. [PSV] Sangoku Koi Senki: Omoide Gaeshi – CS Edition <ADV> (Prototype) {2016.02.04} (¥5.300) – 3.666 / NEW <60-80%>
20./24. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ <ACT> (Nintendo) {2015.06.11} (¥4.700) – 3.536 / 667.625 <80-100%> (-25%)
21./26. [PS4] Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege <ACT> (Ubisoft) {2015.12.10} (¥8.400) – 3.497 / 70.075 <80-100%> (-18%)
22./29. [PS4] Call of Duty: Black Ops III # <ACT> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.11.06} (¥7.900) – 3.229 / 310.238 <80-100%> (-18%)
23./00. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2015.07.30} (¥4.000) – 3.078 / 1.342.068 <80-100%>
24./21. [PS4] Resident Evil: Origins Collection <Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster \ Resident Evil HD Remaster> <ADV> (Capcom) {2016.01.21} (¥5.990) – 2.852 / 28.936 <60-80%> (-55%)
25./20. [PSV] Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs-Force # <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2015.12.23} (¥6.800) – 2.719 / 127.818 <60-80%> (-63%)
26./30. [PS4] Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.12.03} (¥2.400) – 2.702 / 46.762 <80-100%> (-23%)
27./28. [PS4] Fallout 4 # <RPG> (Bethesda Softworks) {2015.12.17} (¥7.980) – 2.665 / 206.712 <80-100%> (-37%)
28./00. [3DS] Disney Magic World 2 # <ETC> (Bandai Namco Games) {2015.11.05} (¥5.690) – 2.650 / 269.588 <80-100%>
29./00. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V [1/1][New Price Edition] <ACT> (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2015.10.08} (¥4.990) – 2.452 / 57.982 <80-100%>
30./00. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire # <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2014.11.21} (¥4.571) – 2.444 / 2.939.467 <80-100%>
Top 30
PS4 – 11
3DS – 8
PSV – 5
PS3 – 3
WIU – 3
Source: Media Create / Famitsu
Via: / NeoGAF