
JP News (Nov. 11): Nintendo Badge Arcade / Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary / Dragon Ball sale

Today’s Japanese news: latest update for the Nintendo Badge Arcade, but also…

  • Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary
  • Dragon Ball Sales (Nintendo eShop)
  • New Nintendo 3DS XL: Galaxy Pack
  • Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice

Nintendo Badge Arcade

This week, Nintendo added the following to Nintendo Badge Arcade:

  • some Ashley badges
  • some Pokémon badges
  • 2 free plays per day until November 13th

Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary

Here’s pictures of goodies releasing on February 12th in Japan, for the 15th Anniversary of the Ace Attorney series:

Source: Gamer

Dragon Ball Sales (Nintendo eShop)

Until November 23rd, the following Dragon Ball games are on sale on the Nintendo eShop of the Nintendo 3DS:

  • Dragon Ball Fusions – 4 861 Yen + taxes (instead of 5 700 Yen + taxes)
  • Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden – 3 704 Yen + taxes (instead of 5 690 Yen + taxes)
  • Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 – 3 704 Yen + taxes (instead of 5 690 Yen + taxes)

Naturally, our Nintendo eShop Sales page has been updated with those sales!

Source: Famitsu

New Nintendo 3DS XL: Galaxy Pack

Here’s some pictures of the New Nintendo 3DS XL: Galaxy Pack, which came out today in Japan (only at Toys ‘R’ Us stores):

Source: Nintendo

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice

Here’s some screenshots for Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice on Nintendo 3DS:

Source: 4Gamer.net


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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