Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests: all you need to know [GC #5]
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – Upcoming or current event
The 5th Grand Conquests event for Fire Emblem Heroes will take place from August 1th to August 7th. There’s several rounds (called Battles), but also preparation periods and more. Here’s the schedule:
- Pre-Registration: July 30th 12AM PT / 3AM ET / 8AM BST / 9AM CEST / 4PM JST
- Battle 1 – Battle preparation: August 1st 12AM PT / 3AM ET / 8AM BST / 9AM CEST / 4PM JST
- Battle 1 – Battle: August 1st 4AM PT / 7AM ET / 12PM BST / 1PM CEST / 8PM JST
- Battle 2 – Battle preparation: August 3rd 12AM PT / 3AM ET / 8AM BST / 9AM CEST / 4PM JST
- Battle 2 – Battle: August 3rd 4AM PT / 7AM ET / 12PM BST / 1PM CEST / 8PM JST
- Battle 3 – Battle preparation: August 5th 12AM PT / 3AM ET / 8AM BST / 9AM CEST / 4PM JST
- Battle 3 – Battle: August 5th 4AM PT / 7AM ET / 12PM BST / 1PM CEST / 8PM JST
- End: August 6th 11.59PM PT /August 7th 2.59AM ET / 7.59AM BST / 8.59AM CEST / 3.59PM JST
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – GC Tiers and Rewards
The more battles you take part in, the more points you get, which then allows you to move up the GC Tiers. Once you reach a specific GC Tier, you get some rewards: bonus Orbs, Refining Stones, and more. You also get a special bonus that will help your army get more points. There’s 25 tiers in total, and they do not reset between each Battle. Tier 4 and 8 unlock Lunatic and Infernal modes, respectively.
You also get rewards at the end of each Battle, based on the number of Areas your Army has conquered. You can get Hero Feathers, Sacred Coins, and Arena Medals. Simply head over to “Check Rewards” to find them!
Here’s the list of rewards (tiers):
Here’s the list of rewards (areas held):
But that’s not all: there’s now a Rank in Army learderboard, and you can get rewards based on your rank at the end of each battle.
Here’s the list of Rank in Army rewards:
Finally, there’s also Grand Conquests Quests to tackle, in order to earn Orbs, Universal Shards, and Hero Feathers. Each Battle has its own set of Quests, and you can find more details about those on the Events and Content Updates page!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – Changes for this event
With this Grand Conquests event, you can earn rewards at the end of each battle based on your rank in Rank in Army. Also, a major change has been made in the way your initial defense score is calculated. Now, the fewer areas your army controls, the higher the initial defense score at the start of next round. Finally, maps are being added for Level 10 and Level 2 in Normal Difficulty. Infernal difficulty is also getting new maps, where enemies will be allowed to attack right after warping!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – What is it?
You can access Grand Conquests from the Home Menu > Battle > Events > Grand Conquests.
Grand Conquests is a new type of event where three armies, led by Anna, Sharena, and Alfonse, battle to take control of territory. Just like in Rival Domains, you lead a brigade, but this time around your goal is to conquer as many areas as possible within the time limit. Each battle lasts 2 days (44 hours to be precise + 4h preparation period), and is made of 22 rounds that all last 2h.
Players are automatically assigned to battlefields (basically, servers), and then to one of the 3 Armies. Each battlefield can only accomodate 200 troops per army, so 600 players (though that number may vary). The army you’ve been assigned to changes at every Battle, just like the area maps.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – How does it work?
Before every Battle, you have to create a Brigade, just like in Rival Domains. You do so by tapping the Edit Brigades option in the Allies menu. You need to have 20 Heroes in your Brigade. Enemy brigades have 40 Heroes.
If you don’t have enough Heroes, you can do the following:
- select Friends’ Allies, and add your friends’ Heroes
- do nothing, and let the game fill up the rest of the Brigade with Reinforcements (Heroes who are fighting in the same army as you during the event)
Once you’re ready for battle, you have to select an area and deploy your Brigade. You can only do so into areas that border your army and your opponent’s army… no sneaking deep into enemy territory allowed! You can see the current battle conditions in a given area by selecting it.
If you’re not sure which area to fight in, then you should choose the one with the “Try this!” icon above it. You can also choose one with area effects on adjacent territory, because if you manage to conquer it, it will help your army by activating those effects for you and your allies.
Area effects grant special effects to specific unit types. For example, an area effect can allow armoured units to move an extra space. Make sure to take advantage of those by sending the right units to the right area! Speaking of effects, there’s also a common effect on all areas during each of the 3 battles!
When a round begins, the army that controls an area begins with 5 000 points, while the armies trying to conquer it starts with… 0. The fewer areas your army controls, the higher the initial defense score at the start of next round.
There’s two ways to conquer an area:
- Knockout: if an army’s score exceeds the second place army’s by 100 000 points in a given area, that army conquers the area and keeps it until the end of the round. It’s extremely hard to pull off!
- Taking the Lead: at the end of each 2h round, the army with the most points conquers the area
Important note: the points accrued in an area reflect the accumulated battle results of Grand Conquests participants. Therefore, you have to pay attention to where your allies are fighting when you have to decide which area you should battle in. After all, the more players have taken part in battle in a given area, the more points you can get.
Of course, if everyone battles in the same area, you take the risk of losing undefended areas… You have to find the right balance, and spread your units accordingly! It’s up to you to decide whether you want to aim for the highest score in one area, or instead try to win in many different areas (less points for each area, but more areas to get points from).
One thing to keep in mind is that deploying units costs stamina, and more precisely Grand Conquests-specific stamina. You get 1 Stamina unit per hour, and you can have up to 8 units at a given time. You can also use a Conquest Lance to restore your stamina.
Deploying units costs 1 Stamina unit, but you can also use several of them in order to boost your score (the more units you use, the bigger the boost. For example: 2 units = x2 boost).
But how do individual battles work, exactly? Well, pretty much the same way as in Rival Domains! You play on a large map, and you have to capture the enemy’s fortress and camps. There’s two ways the battle can end:
- an army’s fortress is destroyed
- the 10th turn concludes
The score you get in a given area depends on the following criteria:
- Foes defeated: the more foes you defeat, the higher your score!
- Camps held: you get points based on the number of camps you hold at the end of the battle;
- Fortress Defense: you get points based on how well you defended your fortress;
- Fortress Offense: you get points based on how effectively you attacked your opponent’s fortress.
If you’re really too busy to play, you can select “Help Out!” once per round. When you do so, points will be given to the area you support, and increases the count of units in battle in that area by 1). You can still earn items that way!
Also, if you’re up for a challenge, you can select the Lunatic and Infernal modes, unlocked when you reach GC Tier 4 and 8 respectively.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Conquests – Previous events
Source: Fire Emblem Heroes