
eShop news (Jan. 7): Panty Party / Double Cross

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Panty Party announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…

  • Double Cross
  • Pikuniku

Panty Party

Yesterday, Cosen announced yet another game for the Nintendo Switch, and this one is sure to leave a strong impression… That game is none other than Panty Party, a panties action game originally released on PC. Despite the title, it does not include any adult-only content: it’s just a silly action game where the “character” you control is none other than… some underwear.

The Nintendo Switch version will feature some exclusive content, such as 4 player multiplayer, hidden units, and even a theme song by Mao Amatsuka. The game will be released this Spring worldwide, and will cost 1 500 Yen / 14.99€ / $14.99. It will be playable in the following languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, and Korean.

Here’s a trailer and some screenshots:

Panty Party (Switch – eShop) comes out this Spring worldwide. The Upcoming Games pages has been updated!

Source: 4Gamer

Double Cross

Here’s the latest screenshot for Double Cross:

Double Cross (Switch – eShop) comes out on January 10th in Europe and North America.

Source: 13AM Games (Twitter)


Here’s the latest video clips for Pikuniku:

Pikuniku (Switch – eShop) comes out on January 24th worldwide.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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