Daily news (May 28, Round 3): Azure Lane Crosswave / Yomiwosakuhana
Today’s Daily news: Azure Lane Crosswave announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…
- Yomiwosakuhana
- Ira
- Rolling Gunner Over Power
- Speaking Simulator
- Nintendo Switch Software Catalogue
Azure Lane Crosswave
Compile Heart have announced that they are bringing Azure Lane Crosswave to the Nintendo Switch. It will be released on September 17th in Japan, for 7 800 Yen + taxes (retail) / 7 000 Yen + taxes (digital). This version of the game includes the Episode Taihou and Episode Formidable DLC (adding lots of story content), but also a brand new Photo Mode. A western release is more than likely, as the original version on PlayStation 4 was localised.
Here’s some videos for the game, including the trailer and the opening movie:
And here’s some screenshots and character artworks:
Azure Lane Crosswave (Switch) comes out on September 17th in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Nintendo
Here’s the latest trailer for Yomiwosakuhana:
Yomiwosakuhana (Switch – eShop) comes out this Fall in Japan.
The latest Kickstarter update for Ira is now live: click here to check it out!
Ira (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.
Rolling Gunner Over Power
Mebius have announced that Rolling Gunner is to get some DLC in 2021, called Rolling Gunner Over Power.
Here’s some screenshots:
Source: Gamer
Speaking Simulator
Rainy Frog have announced that they will release Speaking Simulator in Japan in early Summer.
Here’s some screenshots:
Speaking Simulator (Switch – eShop) comes out this Summer in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: 4Gamer
Nintendo Switch Software Catalogue
Starting today, a new Nintendo Switch Software Catalogue is available for free at retailers across Japan. If you’re interested in checking it out, it’s available in digital format on this page!
Source: Nintendo
Here’s the latest video for SMITE: