Daily news (May 10, Round 4) – Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package
Today’s Daily news: Episode 4 of the Memorable Moments video series for Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package, but also…
- Decay of Logos
- Shakedown Hawaii
- Minecraft
- Earthlock
Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package
Here’s Episode 4 of the Memorable Moments video series for Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package, now available worldwide:
Episode 4 of Memorable Moments is here AND as of today you can enjoy Saints Row®: The Third™ on your Nintendo Switch. This time we go all high tech as we join The Boss on his cyber journey deeper and deeper into the cutting edge online networking system “Deckers Use-Net” in a bid to put an end to the Deckers’ union with The Syndicate. Naturally The Saints prevail; Matt Miller and his virtual Decker cohorts didn’t stand a chance against The Boss… even with a toilet for an avatar.
Decay of Logos
The latest DevBlog post for Decay of Logos is now live, and unfortunately, it does not reveal anything… Click here to check it out!
Here’s the latest screenshots / wallpapers:
Decay of Logos (Switch) does not have a release date yet.
Shakedown Hawaii
Vblank Entertainment have announced another improvement for the first update for Shakedown Hawaii: a way to increase your salary faster!
Shakedown Hawaii (3DS – eShop) does not have a release date yet.
As part of the 10th Anniversary of Minecraft, a bunch of sales is currently running:
- Minecraft Marketplace: 10% off the top ten Marketplace worlds/mash-up packs and 10% off the top ten Marketplace skin packs
- Minecraft Merchandise: 25% off on MinecraftShop
- Minecraft is on sale on the Nintendo eShop, worldwide.
Click here for more details on those sales!
Also, Minecraft Classic (the very first version of Minecraft, as released back in 2009) is now playable via your web browser: click here for more details about it!
Super Rare Games have shared some pictures of the Collector’s Edition for their limited physical release of Earthlock, which includes the following:
- The game
- 200 page artbook
- Two large comic books
- CD Soundtrack
- Complete trading card set
Source: Super Rare Games (Twitter)
Here’s the latest video for SMITE: