
Daily news (April 17, Round 2): Moving Out / Bokuhime Project

Today’s Daily news: official FAQ for Moving Out, but also…

  • Bokuhime Project
  • Warborn
  • gamescom 2020
  • Front Mission @ shmuplations
  • Fort Boyard (New Edition)
  • Make War

Moving Out

With less than two weeks left until release, Team17 have shared an official FAQ for Moving Out. It answers various questions about the game, such as the price, pre-order bonuses, difficulty settings, and much more. Click here to check it out!

Moving Out (Switch) comes out on April 28th worldwide, with retail release following on April 29th in Japan.

Bokuhime Project

Here’s the latest video for Bokuhime Project:

Bokuhime Project (Switch) comes out on April 26th in Japan.


Here’s the latest trailer for Warborn:

Warborn (Switch) comes out on June 12th in Europe and North America.

gamescom 2020

After the Game Developers Conference 2020, E3 2020, BitSummit, and many others, yet another major gaming event is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic: gamescom 2020. Due to Germany imposing a complete ban on major events until the end of August, the event has been canceled. It will be replaced by some sort of digital event, with details to be shared at a later date.

Here’s the message from the organisers:

Source: official Twitter account

Front Mission @ shmuplations

The latest set of translated interviews from shmuplations is all about Front Mission. Click here to check them out!

This collection of interviews chronicles the creation of the Super Famicom strategy-RPG Front Mission, a game published by Square in 1995 to critical acclaim and one that continues to receive sequels and followups in various genres to this day. Developed in partnership with Toshiro Tsuchida’s now-defunct studio G-Craft, the developers discuss the game’s hard sci-fi setting, the collaboration between G-Craft and Square, stepping outside of Square’s usual fantasy wheelhouse and the process of sanding the edges off an unabashedly hardcore game.

Fort Boyard (New Edition)

Here’s the teaser trailer for the new edition of Fort Boyard:

Fort Boyard (New Edition) (Switch) comes out on June 25th in Europe.

Make War

Here’s the launch trailer for Make War, now available in Europe and North America:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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