
Arcade Archives Pirate Pete out this week on Nintendo Switch [Update: added livestream recording]

Hamster have announced that the latest Arcade Archives release on Nintendo Switch is Pirate Pete, a pirate-themed action developed by Taito and originally released on Arcade back in 1982 in Japan. It will be releasd on June 10th worldwide for 6.99€ / $6.29 / $7.99 / 838 Yen. As usual, the Japanese version will offer an English language option for those of you interested.

Here’s some screenshots:

Also, here’s the recording of the latest Famitsu livestream, which showcases both Arcade Archives Pirate Pete (out on June 10th worldwide) and Hacha Mecha Fighter (already available worldwide):

Arcade Archives Pirate Pete (Switch – eShop) comes out on June 10th worldwide.

Source: Famitsu


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