FootageIwata AsksNintendoWii U

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Iwata Asks and exploration video

Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out tomorrow in Japan… in fact, it will be available on the Nintendo eShop in just a few hours, at 10PM JST! Which means it’s high time for another Iwata Asks, entirely dedicated to Monolith Software’s brand new JRPG.You can find it by clicking here!


It’s quite the extensive interview, with lots of topics covered:

Creating a Whole Planet
A Novel-like Plot
Loosely Connected
Even Pros Lost Their Voices
Buying a Skell like Buying a Car
Thoughts About the Title
An Abundant Game

But that’s not all! Dengeki Online has uploaded a gameplay video for Xenoblade Chronicles X on their YouTube channel. It’s an exploration video (on foot and on-board a Doll / Skell), showcasing some of the environments of the game. At the end, there’s even a bit of battle against some rather menacing enemies.

Here is the video:

Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) comes out in just a few hours in Japan, and later this year in Europe and North America.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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