Wargroove: details on Sieges
Wargroove is one of the games that were announced for the Nintendo Switch during the Nintendo Switch Nindie Showcase, in March. It definitely looks like a game that could scratch that Advance Wars itch of yours, even if it takes in a completely different era.
Last week, the developers shared some more details about their games on the game’s official blog. To be more precise, the blog post is about one of the key elements to securing victory: Sieges. On the map, there’s various structures you can capture (such as cities, castles, etc.). In order to do so, you need to lay siege to those structures, which isn’t nearly as easy as you might think: those structures have defenses after all!
Naturally, to capture a structure, you need to attack it and break those defense. Sounds rather straightforward, no? The thing is, the people in the city, castle, etc. won’t just stand still, watching you destroy the defenses while supping a cuppa. They will make sure they have a nice welcoming present for you… some deadly arrows!
The thing is, the longer a structure is captured, the more strength it will build up, and the harder it will be to take in the end. What’s more, you also need to think carefully about which units to send when laying a siege: some units are strong against them, while others are weak.
You can check an animated GIF over at the official blog!
Wargroove (Switch – eShop) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.