
The Legend of Legacy: trailer for Liber and Garnet, livestream recording

The Legend of LegacyThe Legend of Legacy is JRPG inspired by classics such as the various entries in the SaGa series. You get to control a party of 3 characters, chosen among a group of 7. They all have their own agenda, and they didn’t all come to Avalon for the same reasons, but they will have to team up in order to explore the island and solve its mysteries.

At the beginning of the game, you start with a fixed team of 3 characters, but once you’re done with the prologue, you can switch the remaining two characters (you will have to stick with the protagonist).

Yesterday, Atlus USA uploaded a second trailer for The Legend of Legacy, introducing two of the characters:

  • Liber: a treasure hunter who is quite fond of danger, and making a tidy profit off said danger. Unlike the other characters, he only went to Avalon for one (not really noble) reason: get as much dough as possible!

Role: strong support.
Favorite weapons: Bare Fists, Short Swords, Spears.
Elemental affinity: Wind.

  • Garnet: she’s the total oppposite of Liber, as she didn’t come to Avalon to get rich. She’s a trained templar knight, and very loyal to her order. The reason she came to Avalon is to stop the heretics spreading rumours about the return of the gods to the mortal realm.

Role: versatile. She possesses balanced offense and defense.
Favorite weapons: Long Swords, Shields.
Elemental affinity: none.

Here’s the trailer introducing those two characters:

Previous character trailers:

But that’s not all… here’s the recording of the Atlus USA livestream from yesterday evening, on Twitch (there’s an unboxing of the launch edition at 55:55!):

The Legend of Legacy (3DS) comes out on October 13th in North America, and in Early 2016 in Europe.

Source: Atlus USA


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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