
Switch milestones: Gravity Circuit / The Companion / 100 Demon Fantasia

Gravity Circuit

Domesticated Ant Games has announced that Gravity Circuit has sold over 60,000 units in 6 months. No regional or platform breakdown is provided, but the developers did share an illustration to celebrate this milestone:

Source: Domesticated Ant Games (Twitter)

The Companion

David Fazzio of Studio 46 has announced that The Companion has sold over 22,000 units since launch. Again, no regional or platform breakdown is provided.

Source: David Fazzio (Twitter)

100 Demon Fantasia

HypnosisSoft has announced that the Nintendo Switch version of 100 Demon Fantasia has generated over 1 million Yen (about $6,772) in sales during its first week. This may not seem like much at first glance, but the developers beg to differ: they consider those sales satisfactory, especially for an indie release that didn’t benefit from much publicity.

According to the developers, 100 Demon Fantasia is but the first of 10 games based on Japanese mythology they plan to release within the ten next years on consoles platforms (including the Nintendo Switch).

Source: Gamer


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.