Senran Kagura 2 coming out on August 27th in Europe, trailer, regular edition via Amazon (UK)
At the beginning on the month, Marvelous Europe gave an update regarding the launch of Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson in Europe. They explained that the game had been sent to lotcheck, and that they prefered to wait a little bit before narrowing down a release date.
But the time for waiting is over, and the European release date for Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimsin has been revealed! Marvelous were planning to launch the game in August, and it looks like everything went well in the end: the release date is August 27th! Unfortunately, XSEED hasn’t made any announcement regarding the North American release.
To celebrate this announcement, Marvelous has revealed a brand new trailer for the game:
Marvelous Europe also made two announcements:
– after launch, they’re planning to sell the regular edition via Amazon (UK-only, most likely);
– all orders from their website will receive a free set of art cards:
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (3DS) will come out on August 27th in Europe, and this Summer in North America.
Source: Marvelous