
République (stealth adventure game) announced for Nintendo Switch

During the Limited Run Games showcase at E3 2021, Camouflaj announced that République (a stealth adventure game) is headed to the Nintendo Switch. This edition of the game will incude a commentary track revealing secrets about the game development (which was rather tumultuous). It will be available digitally via the Nintendo eShop and physically via Limited Run Games.

Here’s a trailer, some details, and some screenshots for the game:

RÉPUBLIQUE is a thrilling and topical stealth-adventure game that explores the perils of government surveillance in the Internet Age. Players receive a call from Hope, a woman trapped inside a mysterious totalitarian state, and must hack into the nation’s elaborate surveillance network to guide her to freedom.

République (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.

Source: Camouflaj PR


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.