PoPoLoCrois Bokujo Monogatari: web commercial
PoPoLoCrois Bokujo Monogatari is a turn-based RPG based on the PoPoLoCrois series (which never made an appearance on a Nintendo platform before), but with elements from the Harvest Moon series (such as Farming). It’s coming out in a roughly two weeks in Japan, on June 18th to be more precise.
In order to promote the game, Marvelous has prepared a web commercial for the game, that you can find below. Unfortunately, it doesn’t showcase a single second of gameplay, as it only consists of cutscenes. We also don’t know if Marvelous will also have TV commercial for the game, maybe with some actual gameplay footage this time around!
Here’s the web commercial for PoPoLoCrois Bokujo Monogatari:
Here’s the Famitsu version of this web commercial (it’s basically the same, with the exception of the text on-screen), right after the break!
PoPoLoCrois Bokujo Monogatari (3DS) comes out on June 18th in Japan.
Source: Marvelous