PokéNews (June 30): Jirachi distribution (Japan) / Magikarp Jump / Pokémon GO
Today’s Pokémon news: Jirachi distribution announced for Pokémon Sun and Moon in Japan, but also…
- Magikarp Jump
- Pokémon GO
- Pokémon Sun and Moon – Anime series
- Pokémon merchandise
Pokémon Sun and Moon – Jirachi distribution (Japan)
Today, a new Pokémon distribution was announced. This time, it’s Jirachi, that will be distributed to Pokémon Sun and Moon players in Japan. It will be available from August 6th to August 13th, as part of the Tanabata Festival celebrations, at the Pokémon Center Tohoku (the same one where Jirachi is to be distributed.
More details about this distribution will be shared at a later date, but in the mean time, we’ve already updated the list of distributions for Pokémon Sun and Moon!
Source: The Pokémon Company / Serebii
Magikarp Jump
Today, a brand new update for Magikarp Jump was released. It brings the game to Ver. 1.2.0, and add quite a lot of content: new League, new food items, new Magikarp items, and more. You can find the full patch notes over at the Magikarp Jump update page. For more details about the new content, make sure to head over to Serebii!
Here’s some pictures for that update:
Source: Gamer
Pokémon GO
Earlier today, Niantic began rolling a new update for Pokémon GO. It brings the game to Ver. 0.67.2 (Android) / Ver. 1.37.2 (iOS), but doesn’t add any new features or content: just bug fixes.
You can find more details about the update on the Pokémon GO Updates page!
Pokémon Sun and Moon – Anime series
Here’s the preview for the next episode of the Pokémon Sun and Moon anime series, airing on July 6th in Japan:
Pokémon merchandise
Here’s pictures of even more Pokémon merchandise, from Pokémon Center stores in Japan:
And here’s a promotional video for the latest events / goodies at Pokémon Center stores:
Source: The Pokémon Company