Monster Hunter Generations: localisation blog post #3 (Gammoth, Malfestio and Moofah)
With both Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Capcom published regular blog posts over at Capcom Unity, in order to talk about the localisation process of both games. They detailed how the name of monsters were translated (sometimes talking about the translations in other languages than English), the kind of issues they ran up against when localising the game, and more.
if you like those blog posts, you will be glad to learn that they’re back for Monster Hunter Generations. To read the very first one, simply click here! The second blog post (to be found there) is about the name of several monsters, and how it was translated.
And on Friday, Capcom posted the third localisation blog post: you can click here to check it out! This one covers the following:
- Bherna Village: one of the new locations of the game, and your starting point in the game. ベルナ [be-ru-na] became Bherna;
- The Wycademy: an organization based near researching monsters in their natural habitats. 龍歴院 [ryu-reki-in] (“dragon history institute,”) became The Wycademy;
- The Hunters Hub: the outdoor equivalent of the Gathering Hall. 集会所 [shuu-kai-jo] became The Hunters Hub;
- The Hunting Styles;
- Gammoth: one of the Fated Four. ガムート [ga-muu-to] became Gammoth;
- Malfestio: one of the new monsters. ホロロホルル [ho-ro-ro-ho-ru-ru] became Malfestio;
- Moofah: small, sheep-like creatures found on the Deserted Island. ムーファ [muu-fa] became Moofa.
Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) comes out on July 15th in Europe and North America.
Source: Capcom Unity