
Miitopia mentioned on Miitomo loading screen

Last week, Nintendo released Miitopia in Japan: a rather wacky RPG, that would be described as the fusion between Find Mii / Mii Quest and Tomodachi Life (click here for plenty of details, pics, and even footage). It hasn’t been announced for Europe and North America, but it’s only a matter of time, as Tomodachi Life has sold too well in the west (especially in Europe) for the game to be stuck in Japan.

And today, it was found out that Miitopia was now being mentioned on a Miitomo loading screen. Here’s a screencap of said loading screen:

Please note that this loading screen was displayed for a user with a Nintendo Account set to Japan, so it’s more than likely users in the rest of the world cannot see it (which does make sense, since Miitopia hasn’t been announced anywhere else). And since Nintendo translates everything in Miitomo, even Japan-only notifications, it’s most likely not an actual teaser.

But what’s interesting about this loading screen is that it’s the first time another game is directly mentioned in the game. There’s already been several promotions promoting games/franchises (The Legend of Zelda, Metroid), but it’s the first time there’s advertising directly in the app itself. This makes you wonder if there could be “loading screens” for other games/products… like the Nintendo Switch for example?

Thanks Tony for the heads up!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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