3DSeShopWii U

Mighty No. 9 finally goes gold, releasing in June on Wii U

Mighty No. 9After many delays (mainly caused by a very annoying glitch in the netcode), Mighty No. 9 has finally gone gold. Basically, this means that development is now complete, and the only thing that’s left for comcept / Inti Creates / Deep Silver to do is to get the game in the hands (or rather, consoles) of players.

Unfortunately, the game is going to miss it’s “Spring” target window by a couple of days, as it will be released on:

  • June 21st in North America, Asia
  • June 24th in Europe

Keiji Inafune explains that the release date is now set in stone, and promises no more delays. And as originally scheduled, the portable versions (including Nintendo 3DS) will be released at a later date. Unfortunately, we don’t know when exactly.

Here’s what Keiji Inafune had to say about Mighty No. 9 going gold:

It has been almost three years since the start of our Kickstarter campaign, which was only made possible through the support of our backers and fans around the world. This is a project where everyone’s passions were combined in order to create something very special, and we are looking forward to delivering the final product to everyone who was involved. There can be no stronger connection between game creators and game fans.

Mighty No. 9 (Wii U) will be released on June 21st in Japan and North America, and June 24th in Europe. Our Upcoming Releases page has been updated with this new date.

Source: official website


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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