
JP News (March 17): Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary / Elminage II / Dragon Ball Heroes

Today’s Japanese news: an art gallery for the 15th Anniversary of the Ace Attorney series, but also…

  • Elminage II: Sousei no Megami to Unmei no Daichi
  • Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
  • Dragon Ball Fusions / Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure
  • Manga Yume Debut Monogatari: Sutekina Manga o Egakou
  • Stella Glow
  • Capcom Café

Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary

Today, Capcom announced another event for the 15th Anniversary of the Ace Attorney series: an art gallery, that will be held from April 6th to April 25th at the pixiv Zingaro gallery. There will be plenty of artworks from the series on display, including some brand new art by Takuro Fuse. Some exclusive merchandise will also be on sale there.

Here’s some pictures:

Source: Capcom

Elminage II: Sousei no Megami to Unmei no Daichi

Here’s the opening movie and some gameplay footage for Elminage II: Sousei no Megami to Unmei no Daichi (lit. Elminage 2: The Twin Goddesses and the Land of Fate, releasing next week (March 22nd) on Nintendo 3DS:

And here’s some screenshots for the game:

The Upcoming Releases page has been updated!

Source: 4Gamer

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X

Here’s plenty of screenshots for Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X, releasing on April 27th in Japan:

Source: 4Gamer


8BIT MUSIC POWER FINAL (on Famicom) was originally supposed to be released in March, but unfortunately, it had to suffer a small delay. It’s now releasing next month, on April 6th.

The Upcoming Releases page has been updated!

Source: Gamer

Dragon Ball Fusions / Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure

Today, Bandai-Namco launched a promo campaign for Dragon Ball Fusions and Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure. If you buy the game at participating retailers, then you will get some stationery as a bonus:

Source: Famitsu

Manga Yume Debut Monogatari: Sutekina Manga o Egakou

Manga Yume Debut Monogatari: Sutekina Manga o Egakou was released yesterday on the Nintendo 3DS. If you have a Japanese unit, you can now download a demo from the Nintendo eShop, if you want try it out for yourself.

Source: Gamer

Stella Glow

Here’s a “new” trailer for Stella Glow, now available as a budget title in Japan:

Capcom Café

Here’s the latest video for the Mega Man collaboration at Capcom Café:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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