
[Japan] StreetPass Mii Plaza: Summer Vacations Sale

StreetPass Mii Plaza offers several games, which can be played thanks to the Mii of other players met via StreetPass. Actually, you can use Play Coins to play without StreetPassing, but your progress will be quite slow (as you can only earn 10 Play Coins per day). Some of those games are free (such as Puzzle Swap), but there’s also some additional games that can be bought.

And in Japan, where StreetPass is pretty easy and convenient (due to the high population concentration), Nintendo launched a special Summer Vacation Sale today (just in time for the Obon holidays). Until August 17th, the extra StreetPass Mii Plaza games can be bought for only 300 Yen each (instead of 514 Yen).

Here’s the list of games on sale:

  • Mii Force / Streetpass Squad
  • Flower Town / Streetpass Garden
  • Warrior’s Way / Streetpass Battle
  • Monster Manor / Streetpass Mansion
  • Ultimate Angler / Streetpass Fishing
  • Battleground Z / Streetpass Zombie

Following their launch, Satoru Iwata explained that sales were pretty good, despite Nintendo not actively advertising them. There’s no doubt that this sale will be pretty successful, though unfortunately, we’re never going to get proper sales data for them. Also, it doesn’t look like Nintendo is going to have a similar sale in Europe or North America…

Our Nintendo eShop Sales page has been updated!

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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