Ice Station Z: Software updates (latest update: Ver. 1.2)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the Software updates for Ice Station Z (released on November 3rd in Europe and North America).
How to update?
To download updates for Ice Station, you have three options:
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu, while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: just follow the instructions on-screen;
- search for Ice Station Z in the Nintendo eShop, and select the update;
- use the option in the Nintendo eShop Settings page.
To check that you have the latest version of Ice Station Z, simply launch the game: you should see the version number on the title screen, at the top of the bottom screen (Ver. 1.2 in that case).
Ice Station Z – Ver. 1.2
- Release date: March 1st (Europe, North America)
- File size: 344 blocks / 43 MB
- Patch notes:
- Added location oil rig.
- Added location crashed spaceship.
- Added location caves.
- Added Dog Sled.
- Added new Boat.
- Added Snow Plough.
- Added Ray Gun at secret location.
- Added Flare Gun at secret location.
- Added Flame Thrower at secret location.
- Added ability to ride as a passenger in most vehicles.
- Added ability to knock down zombies using vehicles.
- Added exterior shadows to all buildings.
- Added collision to all trees.
- Added ‘exclusion zone’ around vehicles to stop other players taking them.
- Improved bridge model and added more trees.
- Improved Snowcat model.
- Improved snowcat/snow plough engine sound in multiplayer.
- Improved footstep sounds inside buildings in multiplayer.
- Improved server browser menu (shows 15 games now).
- Fixed bug where player sometimes wouldn’t take hunger/freeze/thirst damage while in a vehicle.
- Fixed bug with goose not being picked up properly in singleplayer.
- Removed rifle zoom affecting durability.
- Fixed problem with unwanted rifle zooming in multiplayer.
- Fixed issue with game chat when returning to title screen.
- Fixed repair item exploit.
- Notes: you need to update the game in order to keep playing multiplayer (online or local)
- More details: click here!
- Official website: Wobbly Tooth (Miiverse)
Ice Station Z – Ver. 1.1
- Release date: January 11th (Europe, North America)
- File size: ??? blocks / ??? MB
- Patch notes:
- Fixed exploit that allowed the player to become invincible.
- Fixed system hang when rendering too many objects.
- Fixed problem where triggers would be lost when Host Migration occurs.
- Fixed issue where interactions could occur while sleeping causing unexpected problems.
- Fixed problem where changing to a snowboard while sleeping could result in the player being stuck in collision geometry.
- Fixed collision hole at end of corridor in underground base.
- Fixed bug when using snowboard when already using vehicles.
- Fixed bug with prone animation. 09. Increased prone movement speed slightly.
- Added extra checks to make sure invincible players are no longer invincible or if they somehow become invincible the game will rectify it.
- Increased number of zombies in multiplayer games.
- Reduce effectiveness of Bear Traps versus other players.
- Added a height check for Bear Traps so that they don’t trigger when they are above or below the player.
- Added sweep test to stop player falling through map.
- Fixed collision bug on some beds.
- Stopped displaying full sessions on the matchmaking screen.
- Fixed problem returning to Home Menu during loading.
- Notes: you need to update the game in order to keep playing multiplayer (online or local). Also, the developer recommend you host games using a new save file, in order to avoid issues like missing doors or unpickable items.
Source: Wobbly Tooth (Miiverse) (Ver. 1.1)
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