
Fire Emblem Heroes: global servers, language options, mid-term rankings for the “Chose your Legends” event

Just like Miitomo and Super Mario Run, Fire Emblem Heroes will be launched on the same day in many countries around the world. If you were wondering whether the servers would be region-locked or not, here’s some good news: they will not! SBelmont from Reddit actually shot an email to customer support, who told them that servers would be global.

SBelmont also tried to know whether there would be options to change the in-game text and voices, and there’s some good and bad news this time. The good news: yes, you will be able to change the language for in-game text. The bad news? There’s no such option for voices, which means language for voices is most likely tied to the language selected for text.

Right now, it’s not clear whether there are other languages than Japanese and English for voices. If there isn’t, it’s highly likely Japanese voices will only be available if you chose Japanese for text, while other languages all get the English voices.

We can assume Nintendo chose to go with this system in order to avoid ending up with a massive file size for the Fire Emblem Heroes app. It’s especially important, as the game will keep getting new content, and therefore use more and more space. With all audio files for all languages included by default, players would end up with a massive app, which would be a problem for those with a limited amount of storage space.

Hopefully, the game will have an option to let users download additional voice packs, but chances of that happening are rather low…

Also, Nintendo tweeted the mid-term rankings for the Chose Your Legends event (where users can vote daily for their favorite heroes, that will get a special outfit in the game):

Reminder: you have until January 31st/February 1st to vote: click here to do so!

Fire Emblem Heroes (Android, iOS) will be launched on February 2nd, worldwide.

Source: SBelmont (Reddit)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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