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eShop news (April 20): Bad North / The Way Remastered / Timberman VS

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: interview of the developers behind Bad North, but also…

  • The Way Remastered
  • Timberman VS
  • Soccer Slammers
  • Feudal Alloy
  • Ira
  • Another Sight
  • Sparkle 2 EVO
  • BAFL – Brakes Are For Losers
  • Manticore – Galaxy on Fire

Bad North

Today, Nintendo UK published an interview with Richard Meredith (Programming, Design & Business Development), Oskar Stålberg (Art, Design & Programming), and Martin Kvale (Audio & Music) at Plausible Concept, the developers of Bad North.

Here’s an excerpt:

NUK: Would you say Bad North is a game that’s easy to pick up and get into?

PC: Absolutely – this is one of our key pillars and goals for the game. Most strategy / tactics games require you to learn a whole bunch of abstract systems and concepts before you can even begin to have fun and then also require you to be constantly micromanaging everything. While games like that totally have their place and their audience, for a lot of people that’s just overwhelming.

So we almost consider Bad North to be a game for people who like the idea of playing strategy games more than the reality of playing (typical) strategy games. We’ve distilled down a lot of the concepts to a very minimalistic form, reduced the number and frequency of actions, and encourage you to learn the systems by simply playing the game.

There is certainly depth there as well for veteran strategy fans, but you find that depth over time, by watching how the battles play out. Despite having quite abstract characters, everything that is happening is shown clearly – you can see and hear when arrows strike a shield, or when two soldiers clash swords. You should be able to intuit why your strategy works or doesn’t work, which makes the game very accessible.

Click here to check out the full interview!

Bad North (Switch – eShop) comes out this Summer in Europe and North America.

The Way Remastered

Today, The Way Remastered was released on Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, it has a rather annoying glitch, that could completely erase your save data. It was found before launch, which is why a patch has already been submitted to Nintendo and will be released as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was after digital pre-orders went live, and the developers decided against delaying the release, especially as there’s a workaround.

If you don’t have the game yet, or if you’ve already bought it, you can simply wait for the patch to be released before buying / playing. But if you don’t mind the glitch and want to start playing asap (or if you already have started the game!), then you can follow the instructions from the developers (along with additional explanations) on this Reddit thread!

Timberman VS

Here’s a trailer for Timberman VS, on Nintendo Switch:

Timberman VS (Switch – eShop) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.

Soccer Slammers

Thanks to the Unity engine now supporting the Video Capture feature of the Nintendo Switch, developers can now easily implement it in their own games. That’s what Jools Watsham did for Soccer Slammers!

Here’s a video clip recorded that very feature:

Soccer Slammers (Switch – eShop) should come out by June 14th in Europe and North America.

Feudal Alloy

Here’s the latest video clip for Feudal Alloy:

Feudal Alloy (Switch – eShop) comes out this Summer in Europe and North America.


Here’s the latest screenshot for Ira:

Ira (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.

Source: official Twitter account

Another Sight

Here’s the latest screenshot for Another Sight:

Another Sight (Switch – eShop) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.

Source: Lunar Great Wall Studios (Twitter)

Sparkle 2 EVO

Earlier today, Rainy Frog announced they would released Sparkle 2 EVO in Japan, next month. In that country, it will be known as “Shinko no Himitsu” (lit.: The Secret of Evolution). The game will cost 500 Yen.

Here’s some screenshots:

Sparkle 2 EVO (Switch – eShop) comes out in May in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!

Source: Rainy Frog

BAFL – Brakes Are For Losers

Here’s some screenshots for BAFL – Brakes Are For Losers, now available in Europe and North America:

Source: PR

Manticore – Galaxy on Fire

Here’s the launch trailer for Manticore – Galaxy on Fire, now available worldwide:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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