
DBZ Extreme Butouden: list of controls and details about the Battle Commands

Today, Bandai-Namco updated the official website for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden, with some details about the controls and the Battle Commands. But before that, some small news for fans looking forward to the Dragon Ball Z: Revival of F movie (out tomorrow in Japan): the Super Saiyan God form for Son Goku will be in the game!

Next, the list of controls for the game (as translated by Siliconera):

Directional Commands:

  • Left: to move forward (when enemy is to the right)
  • Right: to move back (when enemy is to the right)
  • Double tap: dash
  • Pressing back during enemy attacks: guard

Basic Commands:

  • Y: light attack
  • X: heavy attack
  • A: special attack
  • B: urgent evasion
  • B during an enemy attack: super speed
  • R: charge “Ki (energy)”
  • L + Y: Surprise Attack

Other Commands:

  • A/B/X/Y while down or in mid-air: recovery [landing]
  • Y during jump: light jump attack
  • X during jump: heavy jump attack
  • A during jump: special jump attack


Bandai-Namco explains that A and X are used for Blast Combos, which are filled with moves to lower the opponent’s guard meter. Next: the Meteor Combo, which is one of the most powerful in the games (just like in the previous Dragon Ball Z Butouden titles). To pull it off, you need to press the following buttons: YYYYX.

There’s also a “New Combo” that you can use to send your opponent crashing against the side of the screen, that you pull off by pressing on the Y buttons five times in a row.

Here’s some additional attacks:

– L+Y: a surprise attack that takes your opponents off-guard. You can even call assist-characters to join in the fun.
– L+X: Blitz Arts, that you use thanks to your Ki. They have special effects, which change depending on the character you’re using.
– L+A: Burst Strike attacks, which also use your Ki. They’re quite powerful attacks, such as Son Goku’s Kamehameha. However, there’s a catch: you need to hold down the R button to charge it up, leaving you vulnerable to opponents’ attacks. Make sure you use some assist-characters as cover!

As for the B button, you can use it to evade attacks. If you time it just right, you will be able to counterattack immediately. And if you need to move toward an opponent really quickly, you can use a Hyper Dash (R + direction towards the opponent): that way, you’ll move really fast, while avoiding projectiles…. provided you have enough Ki.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden (3DS) comes out on June 11th in Japan.

Source: official website
Via: Siliconera


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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