
Daily news (March 5, Round 2): The Caligula Effect 2 / Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Today’s Daily news: second music trailer for The Caligula Effect 2, but also…

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise
  • Metroid Prime – Meta Ridley Statue (First 4 Figures)
  • Nintendo Monthly Rewind

The Caligula Effect 2

Here’s the second music trailer for The Caligula Effect 2:

The Caligula Effect 2 (Switch) comes out on June 24th in Japan. No release date for Europe and North America yet.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Here’s the latest set of videos for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with:

  • the presentation of Pyra/Mythra by Masahiro Sakurai
  • the preview video for the latest set of Mii costumes

The latest set of DLC for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now available, alongside the latest Software update!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Here’s the latest commercial for Animal Crossing: New Horizons from Japan:

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise

Imagineer have announced that Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise has already sold over 600 000 units worldwide (units shipped to retailers + digital sales). The latest update was on January 14th with 500 000 units, which means it sold 100 000 additional units in less than two months. Also, it had taken well over a year for the first game to reach that milestone: Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise is selling at a much faster pace than its predecessor!

Here’s all the milestones for the Fitness Boxing series (which already totals over 1.6 million units sold worldwide):

  • March 5th 2021: 600 000 units (Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise)
  • January 14th 2021: 500 000 units (Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise)
  • September 8th 2020: 1 000 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • July 7th 2020: 900 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • May 15th 2020: 800 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • April 23rd 2020: 700 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • March 6th 2020: 600 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • December 4th 2019: 500 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • July 31st 2019: 400 000 units (Fitness Boxing)
  • April 22nd 2019: 300 000 units (Fitness Boxing)

Source: Gamer

Metroid Prime – Meta Ridley Statue (First 4 Figures)

Here’s the production video for the Metroid Prime – Meta Ridley Statue by First 4 Figures:

Nintendo Monthly Rewind

Here’s the latest Nintendo Monthly Rewind video from Nintendo of America:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.