
Daily Briefs (Oct. 12, Round 3): Fate/Extella Link / Gal Metal

Today’s Daily Briefs: Fate/Extella Link announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…

  • Gal Metal
  • Rocket League
  • Warriors Orochi 4
  • Astérix & Obélix XXL 2
  • NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

Fate/Extella Link

Earlier this week, Marvelous announced that they were bringing Fate/Extella Link to the Nintendo Switch after all. This version of the game will be released on January 31st, and will cost 7 980 Yen.

Fate/Extella Link on Nintendo Switch will feature some chibi costumes, local multiplayer (alongside online multiplayer), English and Chinese language options (which means a western release is more than likely), and more. Also, players with save data for Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star will be able to unlock some exclusive costumes in this game. Speaking of Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, it’s getting a budget price release on December 20th in Japan, as part of Marvelous’ Best Collection (price: 4 980 Yen).

Here’s a trailer and some pictures for the game (screenshots, save data bonuses, retailer bonuses, and more):

Fate/Extella Link (Switch) comes out on January 31st in Japan. Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star “Best Collection” (Switch) comes out on December 20th in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!

Source: Gamer

Gal Metal

Yesterday, XSEED and Marvelous Europe announced that Gal Metal will be released on October 30th in North America, and November 2nd in Europe. As announced previously, the game will be available in two formats:

  • digital: $29.99, with Encore Pack sold $9.99 (includes 5 new characters, with their own story and songs)
  • retail (World Tour Edition): $39.99, includes the Encore Pack, but also a manual and some stickers.

In Europe, digital pre-orders will go live on October 18th.

Here’s a trailer and some screenshots:

And here’s a picture of the stickers included in the retail version:

Gal Metal (Switch) comes out on October 30th in North America, and November 2nd in Europe.

Source: XSEED PR / XSEED (Twitter)

Rocket League

Yesterday, Psyonix announced that the Halloween event for Rocket League will take place from October 15th to November 5th. It’s called Haunted Hallows, and while it’s running, you will be able to earn Candy Corn by playing online matches. That Candy Corn can then be redeemed for some spooky rewards:

  • Candy Jack (Limited Topper)
  • Haunted House (Limited Topper)
  • Demo Demon (Limited Title)
  • Ghost Fever (Limited Decal)
  • Trick or Treat (Limited Decal)
  • Megabat (Limited Decal)
  • Ghost Story (Limited Player Banner)
  • Arachnophobia (Limited Decal)
  • Night Terror (Limited Rocket Boost)
  • Demon Disc (Limited Wheels)

Finally, you will also be to collect limited-time Golden Pumpkins: those unlock items from Player’s Choice Series 2, Nitro, and Turbo Crates.

Here’s a trailer and some pictures for the event:

Source: Psyonix

Warriors Orochi 4

Here’s the latest video for Warriors Orochi 4, showcasing Xu Shu:

Warriors Orochi 4 (Switch) comes out on October 16th in North America, and October 19th in Europe.

Astérix & Obélix XXL 2

Here’s another video clip for Astérix & Obélix XXL 2:


Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 (Switch) comes out on November 29th in Europe and North America.

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

Here’s the latest video clips for NBA 2K Playgrounds 2:



NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (Switch) comes out on October 16th in Europe and North America.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.