Daily Briefs (May 22): Pokémon Sun/Moon / Monster Hunter Generations
Today’s Daily Briefs:
- Pokémon Sun and Moon
- Monster Hunter Generations
- Hover: Revolt of Gamers
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Just like pretty much all the previous mainline Pokémon games, Pokémon Sun and Moon will get their own strategy guide. As usual, there will be two versions: regular and Collector’s Edition.
Here’s what the Collector’s Edition include:
- Premium Hardcover
- Bonus Content only available in the Collector’s Edition
- Detailed walkthrough of the brand-new Pokémon games!
- Locations of where to catch Pokémon!
- Lists of moves, items, and more—including how to obtain them!
- Helpful tips for getting the most out of communication features!
- Pullout map of the region!
You can pre-order both versions on Amazon.com:
- regular ($24.99)
- Collector’s Edition ($39.99)
Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS) comes out on November 18th in Japan, North America, and Australia, and November 23rd in Europe.
Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter Generations comes out on July 15th in Europe and North America. The game is already available for pre-order, and if you place one at GameStop (United States), you will get an exclusive Nintendo 3DS Theme. It features the Fated Four, along with custom music, sound effects, and folder icons.
If you pre-order the game online, you will receive an email with the code within 2 business days. If you pre-order in store, the code will be printed on the receipt at the time of pick-up.
Hover: Revolt of Gamers
On Friday, the developers of Hover: Revolt of Gamers posted a new update on Kickstarter, which details the changes and additions made to the Alpha 6 version of the game. There’s a new character, AI for Hover, changes to the UI, the netcode has been reworked, more missions, and more. Click here to check it out!