Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: details about Case 2, new and returning characters, behind-the-scenes video
It’s been roughly a month since we last heard about Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo, but today, Capcom finally shared some more details about the game. To be more precise, we have details more details about the second case of the game, with the murder that happened at the boarding house where Natsume Souseki is living.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 – Case 2
In this case, the victim is a man that was living in the same boarding house at Natsume Souseki. The two were acquainted, and frequently got into arguments over Shakespeare. Not only was Natsume Souseki the first one to discover the body, and the last person to see the victime alive, but it turns out he was also the one who made the tea that seems to have poisoned him… looks like he got himself in another fine mess!
Naturally, he gets arrested on the spot by Tobias Greggson. His line of defense? The place is supposed to be cursed. He talks about the various people that used to live in this boarding house, and died a suspicious death. A rather curious statement to make, which is one of the reasons Sherlock Holmes decided to investigate this murder.
One of the witnesses summoned during the trial is a rather curious man known as Decago Mieterman (Decago being a pun on ‘dekai” (which means big in Japanese) and “ago” (chin in Japanese), who was caught trying to peek inside the apartment by Naruhodou Ruunosuke. The case is said to take place before Natsume Souseki returns to Japan
Gameplay-wise, Famitsu reveals that dusting for fingerprints is in Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2. Players will get to use one of Sherlock Holmes’ invention for that, but we don’t know what it is right now.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 – Characters
Here’s details and artworks for the new and returning characters:
- Mikotoba Susato (voiced by Kana Hanazawa): due to a certain case, she travels back to Japan, but she can’t help but worry about Ryuunosuke. That’s what the scene from the first trailer, with Susato putting a flower on a grave, is about. Returning character from Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken;
- Iris Watson (voiced by Misaki Kuno): a genius child, who is only 10 year but also has a PhD and has even written a book. Returning character from Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken;
- Barok van Zieks (voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda): a legendary prosecutor, known as the Shinigami (God of Death). When he stands in court, none of the accused has ever escaped death (hence his nickname), even innocent people. He seems to have irrational hatred of Japanese people. Returning character from Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken;
- Tobias Greggson: a member of the London Metropolitan Police Department, and more precisely the homicide department. He always conduct his investigations extremely seriously, but never without some good ol’ fish & chips. He appears in a pretty famous book (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), which is something he’s really proud of (though he does not let that gets to his head). A returning character from Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken;
- Decargo Mieterman: a mysterious man that Naruhodou Ryuunosuke spotted during the investigation. He was trying to peek inside the apartment where the murder took place. A new character.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 – Videos, screenshots
During the Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary concert, a few weeks ago, Capcom showed attendee a behind the scene video. That video is about the stop-motion capture used for tap dance animation in the game:
Also, here’s web commercial for the game:
Finally, here’s some new screenshots for the game:
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo (3DS) will be released on August 3rd in Japan.
Source: 4Gamer
Translation (Case 2): Court Records