
Theatrhythm Dragon Quest: 5 new DLC tracks available in Japan, trailer and screens

Ever since Theatrhythm Dragon Quest came out, on March 26th, Square-Enix has released two waves of DLC tracks for the game. The best part is: they’re completely free, unlike the vast majority of additional for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call.

And today, Square-Enix has released 5 additional tracks in Japan, taken from Dragon Quest V to IX (without Dragon Quest VII, for some reason). Just like the previous two waves of DLC, they’re available for free!

Here’s the list of additional tracks:

– Dragon Quest V: Make Me Feel Sad [FMS]
– Dragon Quest VI: Brave Fight [BMS]
– Dragon Quest VI: Happy Humming [FMS]
– Dragon Quest VIII: The Great Plains March [BMS]
– Dragon Quest IX: Riding the Ark [FMS]

Here’s the trailer for those additional tracks:

And finally, some screenshots:

Source: 4Gamer.net
Thanks kuroneko0509 for the help with translation!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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