Terraria: over 20 million units sold worldwide (all versions)
Before releasing on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, Terraria was first released on PC in 2011. The game has come a long way since then, with many updates, and several million units sold… over 20 millions, to be precise! A pretty impressive milestone that was reached at the end of 2016, and takes into account sales on all platforms (including the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS).
The developers shared a message on the official forums, in order to thank fans for this milestone. After all, Terraria is a game that has been thriving thanks to a strong community, especially on PC.
Here’s some “Fun Facts” about Terraria, that makes you realise just how much the game has evolved over the years:
Launch: May 2011
- PC Only
- ~250 Items
- 6 NPCs (7 if you count the Old Man ;) )
- 20 Enemies
- 3 Bosses
- 10 Biomes
- Game “ended” with the Dungeon, explorable upon defeating the final boss of the game at the time, Skeletron
- ~20.5 Million Copies Sold (8.5m alone in the 18 months since 1.3 on PC!)
- Available across one of the widest arrays of gaming platforms of any game ever: PC/Mac/Linux, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS VITA, PS4, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Amazon mobile devices
- ~3,800 Items
- 25 NPCs (26 if you count the Old Man ;) )
- ~350 Enemies
- 16 Bosses (plus 9 mini-bosses!)
- 27 Biomes (Plus a number of “mini-biomes” such as Pyramids or Living Trees)
- Handful of Optional “Events” (The Moons, Invasions, etc)
- Game “ends” with Moonlord, though optional content remains
- Expert Mode for those with the skills to take on the ultimate Challenge!
- Numerous Quality of Life Improvements (Too many to mention, really!)
- ….and we still have more planned to come your way!
What’s next for Terraria? Well, the developers teased a Nintendo Switch version a while ago, but we haven’t heard anything since then. No doubt we will get some news in the upcoming weeks/months!
Source: Re-Logic