eShop news (Dec. 15): Shu / Runner3 / Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King / Yooka-Laylee
Today’s Nintendo eShop news: release date for Shu on Nintendo Switch, Runner3 getting a retail release in North America, release date for Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, launch trailer and interview for Yooka-Laylee, character profiles + wallpapers + customisation gear for Brawlout, launch trailer for Tiny Troopers, latest episode of The Engine Room (SteamWorld Heist), video clip for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, launch trailer for Enter the Gungeon, latest Nintendo eShop Weekly Highlights video, making of video for the Shovel Knight statue by First 4 Figures, screenshots and trailer for Combat: Search & Rescue, full recording of the latest Inti Creates livestreams, and screenshots for Simple Mahjong Online!
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