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eShop news (June 6): Nine Parchments / The Spectrum Retreat / Samurai Defender: Ninja Warfare

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: teaser for Nine Parchments, gameplay video with developer commentary for The Spectrum Retreat, launch trailer for Samurai Defender: Ninja Warfare, screenshots for ACA NeoGeo Riding Hero and Shakedown Hawaii, latest set of character artworks for Nairi: Tower of Shirin, latest trailer for Awkward, video clip for Lanota, Duck Game still in the works for Nintendo Switch, and pictures for the latest set of DLC for WorldNeverland – Elnea Kingdom!

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Flyhigh Express: all the announcements (Fairune Collection, Lanota, Samurai Defender, Deemo update)

Today, during the latest Flyhigh Express (Nintendo Direct-like presentations), Flyhigh Works made several announcements for the Nintendo Switch, with some

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