MiiverseNintendoWii U

Super Mario Maker level sharing to remain available after Miiverse is discontinued

Earlier today, Nintendo announced that Miiverse would be discontinued on November 8th. And it’s not just the social network itself that will be shut down: all related services will be discontinued, which includes the in-game Miiverse integrations for compatible games (such as Super Mario Maker), and more. Make sure to check out this post for all the details!

For pretty much all games with Miiverse features, when the service is terminated, some features will become permanently unavailable. That’s the case of Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars, as explained in this post.

But there’s one exception… Super Mario Maker. If you’ve played the game, you already know that Miiverse is deeply integrated in the level sharing features of the game. And with Miiverse shutting down, you’re probably wondering what’s going to happen.

The answer is… we don’t know yet. Only one thing is guaranteed at this point: you will still be able to share levels you created with other users. Nintendo will provide more details about that at a later date. The game will receive an update, but we don’t know what that update will do just yet.

Naturally, we will make sure to either update this post or make a new one as soon as we have more details!

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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