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Splatoon: the 7th Splatfest will take place next week in Europe

Change of Rules

Splatfest are special 24 hour long events that take place regularly in Splatoon. During those, players have to answer a question (like “Do you prefer cats or dogs?”), before joining a team depending on their answer. At the end of each Splatfest, the team with the most points win, based on popularity and number of battles won.

And starting with the 7th Splatfest, new rules will be used: from now on, the multiplier for matches won will be x6 (instead of x4 previously), putting even more emphasis on wins. This should avoid team winning by sheer popularity once and for all.


A few minutes ago, Nintendo announced that the 7th Splatfest for Europe would take place next week-end, on November 7th and 8th, at the usual time. Even though it will miss Halloween, the theme is definitely spooky: “Zombies vs Ghosts”. Wandering aimlessly in the streets of a post-apocalyptics city or forever haunt people… which one do you prefer?

Splatfest EU 6The Splatfest will start at:

  • Europe: 7PM
  • UK: 6PM
  • North America (ET): 1PM
  • North America (PT): 10AM
  • Japan: 3AM (November 8th)

North America

Yesterday, the Squid Research Lab announced that the 7th Splatfest for North America would take place next week-end (on October 30th and October 31st), at the usual time. This time, we get a special Halloween theme will be: “Pirates vs Ninjas”!

Hocus or Pocus.


Trick or Treat.


Ghosts or Goblins.


These are some of the impossible decisions that have plagued Halloween fanatics since the dawning of time. However, the most heated debate has always been Pirates vs. Ninjas.


Join us on for a very spooky Splatfest that aims to settle the score. Is it better to dress like a pirate? (You can use your new parrot friend to justify getting two pieces of candy.) Or is it better to be a ninja? (You can sneak up and steal your own candy! They’ll never see you coming – or going.)


Join us at 9 PM PT on 10/30 to settle this score the only way we know how – BY GETTING REALLY, REALLY INKY.


BEE TEE DUBS, beginning with this Splatfest the multiplier for wins has updated from 4 to 6. Good luck, Inklings!

Splatfest NA 7This Splatfest will start at:

  • North America (EDT): 12AM (October 31st)
  • North America (PDT): 9PM (October 30th)
  • Europe: 5AM (October 31st)
  • UK: 4AM (October 31st)
  • Japan: 1PM (October 31st)

As usual, this Splatfest is only for players with a North American copy of Splatoon.


Yesterday, the Squid Research Lab announced that the 7th Splatfest would take place on October 31st and November 1st in Japan. And this time around, the theme is “What could save the world: Love or Money?” It’s a rather unique theme Nintendo picked up this time around, and it will be interesting to see which team wins!

Splatfest JP 7This Splatfest will start on

– Japan: October 31st (9AM)
– Europe: October 31st (1AM)
– UK: October 31st (12AM)
– North America (EDT): October 30th (8PM)
– North America (PDT): October 30th (5PM)

Here’s artworks for this Japanese Splatfest:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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